
0 GP

戰神之王 成就表

作者:我是麥克│2007-11-23 11:27:00│巴幣:0│人氣:544
1. Hands-On
5 Grapple Kills. 10 points

2. Man Handle
50 Grapple Kills. 15 points

3. Death Grip
250 grapple kills. 20 points

4. Fatal Touch
500 grapple kills. 30 points

5. Shish Kabob
Impale an enemy. 10 points

6. Enemy Appetizers
Impale 100 enemies. 30 points

7. Now You See It, Now You Don't
Disarm an enemy. 10 points

8. Master Looter
Disarm 100 enemies. 30 points

9. Rock of Ages
Kill 100 enemies by boulder throw. 30 points

10. Free Fall
Kill an enemy by death fall. 10 points

11. Death Rain
Kill 100 enemies by death fall. 30 points

12. Slice 'n Dice
100 dismemberments. 10 points

13. Chop Shop
500 dismemberments. 20 points

14. Meat Market
1000 dismemberments. 30 points

15. Parry Farm
Perform every parry kill move. 10 points

16. Parry Assassin
100 parry kills. 15 points

17. Parry King
200 parry kills. 20 points

18. Chained Attacker
Combo Counter reaches 100. 10 points

19. Chain of Fools
Combo Counter reaches 325. 20 points

20. Mob Massacre
Kill 5 or more enemies simultaneously. 15 points

21. Treasure Seeker
Find 5 treasure chests. 10 points

22. Treasure Hunter
Find 50 treasure chests. 20 points

23. Filthy Rich
Find all treasure chests. 30 points

24. Noble Conan
Save a Maiden. 10 points

25. Triumvirate Seeker
Activate 5 rune triumvirates. 10 points

26. Triumvirates United
Activate all rune triumvirates. 20 points

27. The Legendary Set
Collect all armor pieces. 10 points

28. Mighty Conan
Complete the game on Hard mode. 30 points

29. Master Conan
Complete the game on King mode. 50 points

30. Bill of Health
Find all Health Meter powerups. 20 points

31. Armored Up
Find all Power Meter powerups. 20 points

32. Adrenaline Rush
Find all Song of Death meter powerups. 20 points

33. Master Swordsman
All one-handed blade attacks mastered. 10 points

34. Master Dual Wielder
All dual wield attacks mastered. 10 points

35. Master Two-Handed Swordsman
All two-handed blade attacks mastered.10 points

36. Bring out the Gimp
Kill at least 25 enemies during the Giant Squid boss battle.15 points

37. Losing His Mind
Decapitate a captain with a shield. 20 points

38. Untouchable
Complete a mission without taking any damage.40 points

39. High and Mighty
Score 20000 points in a level. 10 points

40. The Bloody Crown
Score 100000 total points. 40 points

Strength of 10 men Kill 10 or more enemies simultaneously. 40 points

42. Demon Slayer
Defeat the Elephant Demon in the Kush caves and obtain The Ward of the Abyss.
20 points

43. Defeat Cleaver's Army
Defeat the Bone Cleaver and his army in Barachan Isles and obtain The Ward of Fire. 10 points

44. Dragon Slayer
Defeat the Sand Dragon in the lost city of Shem and obtain The Ward of the Earth. 10 points

45. Snake Charmer
Defeat the Sorceress Queen in Stygia and obtain The Ward of Souls. 20 points

46. My Hero
Save all maidens. 20 points

47. Sink the Squid
Defend the ship and defeat the Giant Squid. 30 points

48. Who's your Daddy?
Defeat the Bone Cleaver in Argos and obtain The Ward of the Departed.30 points

49. Rest In Peace
Send Graven into the Netherworld in the Ocean Ruins and complete the game.40p
Some rights reserved. 姓名標示-非商業性 2.5 台灣


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