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作者:不要問很可怕│2012-07-24 00:57:01│巴幣:0│人氣:429

D3開發團隊主管 共19人 D2主管:1 D2開發團隊人員:3 4 其它原BZ成員:7人 新進人員:8人 共15人 總計19人
其實這是可預料到的結果 D3團隊 光主管(Lead)就有近一半是新進人員 即使是從BZ其它團隊轉過來的開發人員也多數是WOW:TBC以後才進入Blizzard 資歷較淺的人員 D2團隊的成員只有4人 原本D2的程式 美術 音效 故事方面都有 (掛Strike team的Rob Pardo不能算是D2開發成員) 裡面算得上是大老級的也只有Rob Pardo 以及故事主編Chris Metzen(兩人資歷皆超過15)
結論:D3雖有少數D2成員擔任主管 但基本上應該是支全新團隊(這也只是推斷 因為我不知道 它調了多人其它團隊的資深開發人員過來 但從D3主管名單來看 原BZ開發WC ,SC系列的RTS團隊資深人員及主管 好像都沒有過來 都是一堆陌生的新名字 這點跟SC2差很多~ )
(其它部分….等我有空再說吧~~ 人工整理太累了XD)
歡迎轉載 但請著名出處 謝謝!!

以下為名單:(摘自Diablo 3 Game Credits) (括號後為 其它在BZ Game時的負責項目)
Executive Producer : Rob Pardo (D2:strike team)
                          (SC:Lead designer)
                          (WC3:Lead designer)
                          (WOW: Lead designer)
                          (WOW,Wotlk: EVP ,Gamedesign)
                          (SC2:Design director)
GameDirector : Jay Wilson
Story Director : Chris Metzen (D1:Story , Voice ,Manual Design &layout)
   (D2: Story, Manual Design &layout,Manual artwork ,Cinematic Script writers ,voice direction ,voice casting)
                        (D2exp: Story andDilogue ,Manual text and story)
                        (WC1:Manual Illustrations)
                        (WC2:Design ,Story,Scenario design)
(SC1:Leaddesign ,voice direction ,Script &Story ,Strike team ,Scenario design,Manual design &layout ,Manual artwork)
(WC3:Writer&Creativedirector ,Story Concept ,Cinematic Script Editor ,Voice ,Manual development andediting )
    (WOW:CreativeDirector ,Voice Direction ,Manual development and editing ,Manual artwork)
                        (WOW,TBC: CreativeDirector ,cinemetics writers)
                        (WOW,Wotlk :CreativeDirector)
                        (WOW,Cata:暫缺 有空補)
                        (SC2:暫缺 有空補
           (基本上 BZ所有上市遊戲的開發者名單上都有Chris Metzen的名字 而且都位居要職)
ProductionDirector : Ray Gresk (SC2:strike team members)
ArtDirector : Christian Lichtner (SC2:strike teammembers)
Lead Programmer : JasonRegier(D2: programmer)
LeadContent Designer : Kevin Martens
LeadLevel Designer : David M. Adams(WOW,TBC:add design)
Lead Animator : Cheeming Boey(D2:characterartist)
                          (D2,exp: character artist,Blizzard North player)
LeadExterior Artist : Chris Donelson
LeadMultiplayer Programmer : Russell Foushee(SC2:Battle.net-programming Leads)
Lead Sound Designer : Joseph Lawrence (D2:addsound effects)
                               (WOW,TBC:sounddesign , field SFX recording)
                              (WOW,Wotlk: sounddesign , field SFX recording)
                            (SC2:add sounddesign , voice-over design/editing)
LeadConcept Artit :Victor Lee
LeadInterior Artist : Timothy Lim
LeadTechnical Artist : Julian Love
LeadProducer : Alex Mayberry(WOW,TBC:Producer)
LeadProp Artist : Christopher Ryder(WOW,TBC:Dungeon/cityartist))
LeadGameplay Programmer : Steve Shimizu
LeadCharacter Artist : Paul Warzecha

All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利



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