
17 GP

《 喵點歌 .50 》 ~ 隨著裙襬飄揚的High歌~ Put Your Hearts Up

作者:阿喵 ❖ 協奏曲│2015-09-08 18:40:57│巴幣:34│人氣:633

大家好 ~  我是阿喵 ~
歡迎來到喵點歌  一同探索人間好聲音

這回點歌介紹美國女演員,後來在歌唱發展大紅大紫的女歌手 Ariana Grande
曾就讀兒童公眾劇院和北百老匯預校的 Ariana Grande  演藝事業的第一步從音樂劇開始
從演出百老匯音樂劇《13 》到 Nickelodeon國際兒童頻道播放的電視劇《 Victorious 》
漸漸在青少年族群之間累積不少人氣,也為此首張單曲Put Your Hearts Up 』的發行,

Grande 這個義大利姓氏令我想起星巴克的飲品區別 Tall (中杯)、Grande(大杯)、Venti(特大杯)
雖說阿喵不懂義大利文,不過在星巴克消費一趟後,自然明白 Grande 代表英文的 " Big "
附帶一提,Grande 的發音近似 Granday !

超愛紮馬尾的 Ariana Grande -  圖源:Ariana Grande 的 Facebook 專頁

這回阿喵推薦的High歌Put Your Hearts Up 』融合了過去美國曾經流行好些年的主流曲風,分別是50年至代60年代初期的 Doo-wop,以及活耀於60年代後期至70年代的 Bubblegum pop

Doo-wop 特徵為多人和聲、刻意填充音節、簡單的節拍與歌詞。以下,阿喵準備了由 The Platters (中文俗稱:五黑寶合唱團) 演唱的Only You 』,屬於較早期的 Doo-wop 歌曲。
( 早期的 Doo-wop 歌聲比較重視主唱,而其後發展出的 Doo-wop 也有和聲較多的類型 )


Bubblegum pop ,亦稱 Bubblegum rockBubblegum,曲風的特徵是節奏輕快、歌詞簡單、營造活潑歡樂的氣氛。Bubblegum pop 市場銷售上主要瞄準青少年或更年輕一點的族群。
Bubblegum pop 的另一個特色是主打樂團名稱,而非歌手,所以團員並不固定。
接下來,阿喵準備了非常具有 Bubblegum pop 代表性的 Ohio Express 樂團演唱的Yummy Yummy Yummy 』,是首聽起來頗像給兒童聽的搖滾歌曲!

Yummy Yummy Yummy 》- OHIO EXPRESS

說起『 Put Your Hearts Up 』, Ariana Grande 曾在專訪時透露其實自己非常排斥這首歌與 MV,並表示這首 Bubblegum pop 不屬於自己的風格,但或許是歌迷想要的。阿喵覺得作為第一張單曲專輯,這樣的活潑開朗的曲風與歡樂且充滿年輕活力的MV,其實是非常棒的形象宣傳。正如 MV 的 Ariana Grande 穿著華麗的衣服、踏著輕快的舞步,吸引城市眾人的目光並且大聲尖叫道:「地表最強的新秀來啦!」

接下來請各位欣賞Put Your Hearts Up 』....

Put Your Hearts Up 》

Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
If we give a little love, maybe we can change the world

You think you're so small
Like you're itty bitty.
Just one match in the lights of the city
Walking by strangers on the side of the street
Like a quarter in a cup'll get 'em off on their feet, like
You think you're never gonna make your mark
Sit back and watch the world while it falls apart, like
Out of sight, out of mind, like, like
It's just a waste of time,
Like, like, like

Hey yeah yeah yeah
Hey yeah yeah
If we give a little love
Maybe we can change the world
I said
Hey yeah yeah yeah
Hey yeah yeah
Sing it if you're with me
All you boys and all you girls

Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
If we give a little love maybe we can change the world

Wish in a well shooting star in the sky
We can do anything if we try
Can't resurrect Ghandi, resurrect king
But if we put our heads together
We can do anything like
You don't have to be a billionaire
You don't have to have much to show how much care
Like give a wink, give a kiss
Like give a little happiness
Like like like

Hey yeah yeah yeah
Hey yeah yeah
If we give a little love
Maybe we can change the world
I said
Hey yeah yeah yeah
Hey yeah yeah
Sing it if you're with me
All you boys and all you girls

Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
If we give a little love maybe we can change the world

Don't let em bring you down now, down now
Don't let em bring you down now, down now
And get up and you love now love now
And get up and you love now love now
Don't let em bring you down now, down now
Don't let em bring you down now, down now
And get up and you love now love now
And get up and you love now love now

Hey yeah yeah yeah
Hey yeah yeah
If we give a little love
Maybe we can change the world
I said
Hey yeah yeah yeah
Hey yeah yeah
Sing it if you're with me
All you boys and all you girls

Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
If we give a little love maybe we can change the world

Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
If we give a little love maybe we can change the world

感謝關注 BYE BYE  

All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


留言共 7 篇留言


09-08 19:18

阿喵 ❖ 協奏曲
可是我聽不太懂.....09-08 19:31
Ariana Grande大好ヽ(´▽`)/

09-08 19:24

阿喵 ❖ 協奏曲
Ariana Grande 小公主形象 [e16]09-08 19:32

09-08 22:36

阿喵 ❖ 協奏曲
哈哈,上次聽到有點失眠,太high了09-08 22:47
嗯!這首歌聽起來跟"What's up"這首蠻像的,尤其Hey yeah yeah yeah那段。

09-09 19:03

阿喵 ❖ 協奏曲
你沒說我還沒想到耶!晚點有空來回味一下,謝謝09-09 20:16
謝謝阿喵的分享喔~~~ >ω<
這幾天好累~聽聽音樂真不錯呢~~~ ^^

09-11 23:37

阿喵 ❖ 協奏曲
捶捶背(*^^*)('▽'〃)09-11 23:44
但是不知道為什麼,腦中卻一直迴盪著《 Yummy Yummy Yummy 》的旋律,

09-14 07:41

阿喵 ❖ 協奏曲
洗腦神曲很恐怖的09-14 08:05
Ariana Grande 跟Jessie J還有麻辣姬唱的Bang Bang 也很洗腦

10-19 22:27

阿喵 ❖ 協奏曲
Jessie J 我有空來聽看看,都快沒映像了XD10-19 22:33

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前一篇:《 喵點歌 .49 》 ... 後一篇:《 喵點歌 .51 》 ...




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