
14 GP

《 喵點歌 .42 》 ~ 分手就是要乾脆 ~ Somebody That I Used To Know

作者:阿喵 ❖ 協奏曲│2015-08-02 14:03:23│巴幣:28│人氣:564

大家好 ~  我是阿喵 ~
歡迎來到喵點歌  一同探索人間好聲音

感謝巴友 迪蘭 的推薦,促成這篇文章的誕生
這回點歌跟大家介紹的是擁有澳洲、比利時雙國籍的創作型男歌手 Gotye
與其說 Gotye 是一名音樂人,更不如說是一位藝術家
不但創作風格獨樹一格,看他在 MV 中裸體大玩人體彩繪給人更多的驚奇

圖片取自 Gotye 的 Facebook專頁

Gotye Kimbra 合作的一曲『 Somebody That I Used To Know 』成為風靡全球的神曲
這首歌曲先是在 2011年 的 Billboard Hot 100 ( 美國告示牌百強單曲榜 ) 上奪冠 ,且在 2013年 第55屆葛萊美獎上囊括三項獎項「record of the year(年度最佳錄音)」、「best pop duo/group performance(最佳流行組合或團體) 」、「best alternative music album(最佳另類音樂專輯)」

圖片取自 GRAMMY.COM 的獲獎照片

圖片取自 FIRSTPOST 的報導(獲頒3項獎項的兩位大贏家笑容燦爛)

Somebody That I Used To Know》
               - Gotye(主唱) & Kimbra(副唱)

Now and then I think of when we were together
Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
Told myself that you were right for me
But felt so lonely in your company
But that was love and it's an ache I still remember

You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
Like resignation to the end
Always the end
So when we found that we could not make sense
Well you said that we would still be friends
But I'll admit that I was glad that it was over

But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened
And that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger
And that feels so rough
You didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records
And then change your number
I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Now you're just somebody that I used to know

Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over
But had me believing it was always something that I'd done
But I don't wanna live that way
Reading into every word you say
You said that you could let it go
And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know

But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened
And that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger
And that feels so rough
You didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records
And then change your number
I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know

I used to know
Somebody that I used to know
I used to know
Now you're just somebody that I used to know
I used to know
That I used to know
I used to know

上面的 MV 為了讓歌手與背景容為一體,從頭到尾幾乎沒有任何動作,相當靜態
如此的呈現手法似乎為了給人分手雙方是 Somebody That I Used To Know 的孤立感吧!
但了解 MV 中的副唱 Kimbra 的朋友們,一定知道她在演唱時肢體動作非常多的特色
以下讓我們看看這位來自紐西蘭的女歌手 ,在錄製廣播時的演唱片段
雙方都唱得非常投入,而且 Gotye 轉頭會發現 Kimbra 不只唱歌還附帶伴舞XD

圖片取自 Kimbra 的 Facebook專頁

Somebody That I Used To Know》
            - Gotye & Kimbra ~ 廣播錄音

通常好歌會有很多人翻唱,『 Somebody That I Used To Know 』也不例外
當中讓阿喵覺得最特別的是加拿大搖滾樂團 Walk off the Earth 的版本

Somebody That I Used To Know
                            - Walk off the Earth

對 Walk Off The Earth 有興趣的朋友可以看痞客的這篇詳細介紹文
All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


留言共 4 篇留言


08-02 14:06

阿喵 ❖ 協奏曲
哇靠,仔細看歌詞好恐怖喔!!! 感謝分享,又毒又好聽的歌XD08-02 14:19

08-02 14:06

阿喵 ❖ 協奏曲
[e12]超棒的[e12]翻唱也很棒08-02 14:08
謝謝阿喵的分享喔~~~ >ω<

08-03 00:20

阿喵 ❖ 協奏曲
隨時歡迎(*^_^*)08-03 00:33
(゚∀ ゚)✄╰U╯

09-17 21:03

阿喵 ❖ 協奏曲
還是戴耳機聽比較好XD10-10 18:25

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前一篇:《 喵點歌 .41 》 ... 後一篇:《 喵點歌 .43 》 ...




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