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Top 25 Pony Songs of 2014

作者:pete19858│2015-01-18 20:48:24│巴幣:0│人氣:373

TOP 25:
  1. Soldiers of the Night - SlyphStorm ft. 4everfreebrony & Midnight elody
  2. Frailty - PrinceWhateverer ft. Dreamchan
  3. No Chance - dBPony ft. MictheMicrophone
  4. On Hold - YourEnigma ft. Rhyme Flow
  5. Fall to the Clouds - Vylet Pony ft. LilyCloud
  6. Laughter - AcoustiMandoBrony
  7. Quest (This Can't Be All) - BlackGryph0n & Baasik
  8. Harmony Ascendant - ponyphonic
  9. Together - Foozogz
  10. House of Glass - 4everfreebrony
  11. Moonrise: A Symphonic Metal Opera - The L-Train
  12. The Twilight Will Rise - Turquoise Splash ft. Megaphoric & Joaftheloaf
  13. Crash - Aviators
  14. Batty - OdysseyEurobeat
  15. Let The Magic Fill Your Soul - WoodLore
  16. Winter's F***ked Up - AnimatedJames ft. Nowacking & EileMonty
  17. I'll Show You My Loyalty - PhonyBrony & Feather
  18. Manehattan - Asi Meskin & The Living Tombstone
  19. Fluttershy - Forest Rain
  20. Spitfire (Give It All You Got) - MandoPony & Megabyte Brony
  21. Alone in the Dark - Jeff Burgess ft. Lady Aria
  22. Into the Green - &I ft. Chi-Chi
  23. Entropy - AwkwardMarina
  24. Cold - Sam Synthis, 4everfrebrony & FritzyBeat
  25. Universe - Metajoker ft. Fluttershyay

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