
1 GP

The 931-mile Long Cleansing 九百三十一英哩之久的洗滌

作者:原子俠你去死│2013-05-29 13:41:53│巴幣:2│人氣:489

931 miles, a distance not so impressive at all.  

The time of traveling, yet, was much needed after all.

I stepped on my gas, speeded and shouted; because this was the trip I've been waiting for so long.

Like a pen dancing across pages of a diary, my tire tracks were the one doing the writing.

On 101 and I-5, my beloved 2006 Honda Accord LX and I were excited.

Mountains with dust and dirt, sky with sunshine and blueness, the sights I saw were healing and speechless.

4-Day weekend, a vocation not so special at all.

The things I experienced, yet, were fabulous after all.

I tasted great wines and dined with good friends; because these were the things I've been longing for a while.

Like a stream removing filth from dirty cloths, my laughter was the one doing the cleaning.

At Old Place Cornell Winery and dinner tables, my tiresome mind and I were being replenished.

Meals with friends and drinks, games with CG-generated shooting and grenade-tossing, the fun I had were relaxing and pleasing.

Each moment passed was like a small step of a mystical cleansing ritual.

Little by little, all the craziness, burden, and chaos from work were being washed away.

Thus eventhough driving alone is a waste of gas and a threat to the Globe, I still loved the trip and hunger for more.  

96 hours and 931 miles later, I am back home, ready for my work and the next travel on the road.
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留言共 2 篇留言

wait, 4 day weekend?

05-29 13:44

Took Friday off. XD05-29 13:49
you must be really tired driving all the way down to LA

05-29 13:46

I enjoy driving on I-505-29 13:49

1喜歡★portland 可決定是否刪除您的留言,請勿發表違反站規文字。

前一篇:星際爭霸戰:闇黑無界觀後... 後一篇:Man of Steel...



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