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YOASOBI - RGB (三原色 英語版)【歌詞】

作者:碧幻幻│2021-07-15 21:37:09│巴幣:2│人氣:2183
RGB ( 英語版)
    ahamo CMソング

作詞ㆍ作曲 : Ayase
演唱 : ikura
歌詞翻譯 : KonnieAoki

* 此為正式發行前本人所編輯的,如有任何缺失,歡迎留言指正~  *


Don’t know where we disconnected each of our stories
Now we know once again paths where we have split off
Even if many times we have been separated
You will see, we’re connected still

"So, we’ll bid farewell then"
We said the words, departed
How many morning suns have we seen ever since that day
In our respective new future destinations
Extension of that day
Today is where we meet

With every moment that is left to our meeting time
I can feel in my heart beating louder as the seconds pass
As I look up at the sky that has cleared from the rain
It was just like what we saw that day
Upon us was a seven colored bridge

Here and now, we were able to meet once again
We have yet our connection in life all along
The things we talk about
We wanna speak about
A never ending overflowing, now don’t stop
Hold up, this won’t be loosening for we know
We were rushed by the seasons forever moving
And beyond where the roads could be leading us to
No matter where we stand
There’s nothing else we want
We’re gonna tie our strings together like before
We’ll meet again soon

“Ah, what was this”
And now we can know every reminiscence
And those recollections, retentions
We trace every laugh
Feel amiss in the reasonable belief
In the part of the composition, the version to cut off
And we don’t even need to worry ’bout tomorrow
Assessing every scene, then we’re back to our past in any days
Some changes that each of us have witnessed
In total honesty it’s been too much of them
But we know, ’til this day
It’s all about surprise
That everything is still the same

When we look up to the sky know this is turning light
Where in sun-setting we see upon one side of our cheeks
A gentle touch and a stroke on the warmth of the sun
It was just like what we saw that day
We reach into our individual days

Hey, every step that each of us have walked
Up to now, has been a separate pathway to freedom
But the same morning sun is above and shining bright on us
We’ve got to once again overlap now

Don’t know where we lost connection within' our stories
Once again we return to what lies there beyond
The things we talk about
We wanna speak about
The pages will someday fill and then you’ll see
So now let’s keep on adding to the story
Even the setting red sun will lift up at once
And the blue days of youth we have spent together
Our memories won’t forget
They won’t fade away
And like the way the greens will always sprout
We can meet again sometime
Our stories always start with a white morning sunshine everything, and so

"See ya tomorrow!"


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留言共 1 篇留言


09-04 21:05


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前一篇:YOASOBI - 三原... 後一篇:Lanndo feat....




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