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[達人專欄] 《Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip》(一般玩家版)沿著 66 號公路踏遍美國

作者:小鸚│2020-03-21 18:27:16│巴幣:18│人氣:450
《Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip》沿著 66 號公路踏遍美國
這是第十七部作品17.《Delicious - Emily's Road Trip 》她的家人正在開始暑假去紀念!沿著標誌性的66號公路與他們一起旅行,發現生活中真正重要的東西。


「只推薦給 Delicious–Emily 系列粉絲收藏,這是 Emily第十七部作品, Emily 假期全家去66號公路之旅踏遍美國, Emily 風格一貫玩法粉絲才懂樂趣。玩家彷彿經歷 Emily 13年的人生。本遊戲適合粉絲迷收藏,各平台價位一樣。如非Emily忠實玩家可能無法接受,因為你還有16部要追。本人亦為粉絲非常推薦收藏,Emily系列已是信仰,但一般玩家這價位你有其它更好的選擇。」

Apple APP Store   
Emily 風格玩法粉絲才懂樂趣

輕鬆戰勝 60 個故事時間管理關卡和 30 個挑戰時間管理關卡
感受貫穿 6 種不同地域風情的 66 號公路
收集並欣賞全部的 66 號公路照片,包括假期集錦

粉絲在這十七部遊戲作品中,看著 Emily 上電視節目美食大賽、之後回到父母的農場、 美味餐廳的建立、Emily戀愛了、抉擇事業與愛情、訂婚結婚、為Emily可愛的小寶貝誕生而感到高興,修復夢想中的房子,Emily的希望與恐懼,參加發燒烹飪挑戰,瓶中信的訊息。與Emily感受聖誕頌歌、全家踏上66 號公路,玩家彷彿經歷 Emily 13年的人生。

以下本人補充資料(官方遺漏的),舊資料來源:Delicious 臉書

Emily's Story :

2019年06/04 第十七部作品17.Delicious - Emily's Road Trip

2016年 Delicious - Emily's 10 Year Anniversary

2016 年 11 月 4 日

✭ Delicious - Emily's Christmas Carol.
    Delicious - Emily's Message in a Bottle
    Delicious - Emily's Cook and Go


    Delicious - Emily's Hopes and Fears
    Delicious - Emily's Home Sweet Home


    Delicious - Emily's New Beginning


    Delicious - Emily's Honeymoon Cruise


    Delicious - Emily's Wonder Wedding
    Delicious - Emily's Big Surprise


    Delicious - Emily's True Love
    Delicious - Emily's Childhood Memories


    Delicious - Emily's Holiday Season
✭Delicious – Emily’s Taste of Fame was nominated three times for the 2010 GameHouse Great Game Awards, in the categories Game of the Year, Game of the Year: People’s Choice Award, and Top Time Management Game. The game won the Top Time Management Game title.

    Delicious - Emily's Tea Garden


    Delicious Deluxe 2


    Delicious Deluxe

The first Delicious game was released in 2006.


✭Delicious - Emily's Road Trip

2016  Delicious - Emily's 10 Year Anniversary

✭ Delicious - Emily's Christmas Carol. Emily and the family set out on a trip up north to a cute little cottage for the holidays. It turns out their train ride may follow the tracks to new

friends and unexpected adventure... So bake a big batch of cookies, and settle in with a hot drink to warm up your Christmas spirit.

✭ Delicious - Emily's Message in a Bottle. Emily receives news that will change her life forever! Enjoy an amazing story of family lost & found while cooking divine dishes in Italian

kitchens! This 13th season of the Famous Delicious story game series simply can't be missed!

✭ Delicious - Emily's Cook & Go. This game has no story and is all about gameplay! Cook meals in an exquisite English diner, a fantastic French café and a beautiful Brazilian

restaurant. If the fancy takes you, you can go to cozy kitchens in Germany, China and Holland. Can you take the heat?! Then play in frenzy mode for a real feverish cooking


✭ Delicious -Emily's Hopes and Fears. During the hottest summer of the century, Paige fights to survive a mysterious disease. While Emily stays unwaveringly by her struggling

daughter’s side, Patrick embarks on an epic journey through the blistering cold in search of the only cure: a magical flower… Can he save his little girl?

✭ Delicious -Emily's Home Sweet Home. Help the O'Malleys fix up their dream house! After a warm welcome, some neighbours reveal a different nature. A turbulent time follows in

which Emily and Patrick must go above and beyond to stop their house being repossessed. A house is a house, but can you help them make it home?

✭ Delicious -Emily's New Beginning. Welcome the newest family member Paige! Patrick and Emily are overjoyed with the birth of their cute little baby. But, how will Emily combine

her mommy duties with having her own restaurant?

✭Delicious - Emily's Honeymoon Cruise

✭ Delicious – Emily’s Wonder Wedding; Emily and Patrick are happily engaged, but then Patrick’s mom arrives bad omens start appearing. Is their marriage written in the stars?

Or will fate deal Emily a bad card?

✭Delicious - Emily's Big Surprise

✭ Delicious – Emily’s True Love; Emily’s restaurant is doing great, until an old love letter turns her world upside down.

✭ Delicious – Emily’s Childhood Memories; Emily's parents are about to sell the family farm. This event makes Emily return to the farm she grew up in, where she recalls

memories from the past.

✭ Delicious – Emily’s Holiday Season; in the true Christmas spirit, Emily organizes a big family reunion, causing hilarious moments, as well as some unusual situations.

✭ Delicious – Emily’s Taste of Fame; Emily has to get to the studio in time for the premiere of her very own TV show. However, before getting a taste of her newly found fame,

she finds herself stranded in a small town, learning the true value of friendship.

✭Delicious - Emily's Tea Garden

✭Delicious Deluxe 2

✭Delicious Deluxe

The first Delicious game was released in 2006.

All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


留言共 2 篇留言


03-22 20:43

Emily 13年都不會變老 也是一絕。03-22 21:04
[達人專欄] 小遊戲鑑賞家 - 三月份推薦遊戲總覽

04-07 15:24

包含此遊戲04-07 16:32

5喜歡★TSFansClub3z 可決定是否刪除您的留言,請勿發表違反站規文字。

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