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Basketball, and then Tiffany

作者:allwe│2018-07-30 22:25:14│巴幣:0│人氣:114
有啲野.. 我諗好喇..

- 籃球
繼續玩。我的確唔fit into群體.. 除左單車群組.. OMG.. 哈..
I leave the whatsapp group of my basketball team.. In fact, i leave all whatsapp groups.. Whatsapp is no longer wanted in my life.. The reason is not only about 1 person.. Myself as well. Me is the most important person in the world. What will i have, when i cannot take care of myself first.

The grounds of deleting whatsapp.. First of all, i don't think (general) people will understand.. That's why i am beginning to say, so communication / talking with each other is really important.. When you don't talk, you close the door of communication.. Try. You gonna get up, and try try try..

So what is the maximum time of trying? I think 1 year is already enough.. For example, i eat with Tiffany for a year at work. So i can draw a conclusion that, we are not good / well-suited lunchmates.. Because she always seem to be happier "on the other side". Here, "on the other side" means she always play with her phones, while we eat. (eating manner part)

Besides, i need to be "active" / to take the initiative everytime, to start the conversation.. She is quite self-centered. She is only interested in her world. So the best conversation subjects seem to be her / her life.. I am rather tired about this.. And she doesn't quite see what i see.. I can see that she disapproves some of my sayings / behaviours / thoughts... These are the ideological differences between us..

She is (good) friends with my not-so-good friend / colleague (Rose) now.. That's why Tiffany and i cannot quite be together. Not to mention we are in the same team.. Plus, my senior(s) praise her from time to time, and dislike me and say bad things about me.. How can i bear these? So all i want is friendly distance..   

The colleague she's friends with, is my ex-good / ex-best friend.. I don't like this concept. She knows our relationship.. She kinda know why we are no longer good friends. But she still chooses this colleague as a good friend. Instead, i think they have a better relationship, than Tiffany and I, or Rose and I.. Am i jealous or what? At first, i am.. Now, no. Because the more i think about we three... I know we are not enough to be good friends..

Maybe they themselves can.. They seem to see "colleage friends" in a much lighter way.... They got so many other people in their worlds... My world is small. I got myself, my mom, and that's it. I got a few, less than 5, communicate-once-a-month friends... Please note i'm not complaining.. I am accepting / understanding the situation...

Btw, we love, when we first love ourselves.. Tiffany chooses Rose over me.. But remember everyone of us has 350,000 friends. And we are just one of 350,000 friends in others' lives. True, i don't think Tiffany and i are much into each other's daily lives (I am curious at her world. But not all the time). Just it.

The question: Next week you and Tiffany will go to a concert together.. What do you plan to do? On colleague level, i want to "bail". Not to see the show. On personal / musical level, i like the performer... We'll see.

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前一篇:今日... 後一篇:悶。心事。友誼...



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