
2 GP

Dota 概念原畫 by Drew Wolf

作者:MRnok14L│Dota 2│2017-09-27 14:33:53│巴幣:4│人氣:842


  Drew Wolf 近期公佈了一些為 Valve 繪製的不少作品,從 TF2 到 DOTA 2 都可看到他的筆跡。根據檔案名稱,甚至連剛在今年國際錦標賽宣佈的 Dota 卡牌遊戲《Artifact》都有。

原本預計以概念畫和宣傳畫擴展 DOTA 宇宙的角色早期設計圖。
Early designs for characters that were intended to to expand the DOTA universe. Each piece was intended to serve as both concept art and promotional art.


DOTA2 英雄
多張 Dota 2 英雄角色們的設計和概念插圖。
A collection of sketches, designs and concept illustrations of heroes from DOTA2.



Over the course of four years I was directly responsible for the visual development of over one hundred characters and creatures featured in-game. I was also involved with writing, casting and recording the voices of those characters. My work set the tone of the project and was used as a guide for visual development.

I would approach most characters with a round of thumbnail sketches. After discussion and feedback I would refine those thumbnails before completing a final design illustration. Often I, or along with another artist, would then build a 3D proxy model. From there I would support a sculptor with any supplemental material they needed.


DOTA 英雄插圖
供 DOTA2 作各種用途的一系列插圖和草稿圖,從概念圖、到遊戲內藝術圖、到宣傳圖、到更新專頁圖都有。
A collection of Illustrations and sketches used for various DOTA2 applications. They ranged from conceptual and in-game art to promotional and update page art.


來自一部 DOTA 相關卡通的角色設計。
Character designs from a DOTA related cartoon.


*環境藝術由 Jeremy Bennett 製作。

The goal of this work was to develop a streamlined visual style that would translate well into a 2D animated feature or series. This work was a crucial in between step from in-game assets to final 2D model sheets. I also used the character art to develop lighting and direction for shot locations.

*Environment art by Jeremy Bennett.


DOTA2 道具
DOTA2 遊戲中的道具圖示和成品。
Design and implementation of in-game item icons for DOTA2.


Weta Workshop 更是選中了幾件設計,根據它們製成實物在一年一度的 DOTA2 大賽《國際錦標賽》進行販售。實物的開發過程尤其參考了這些設計來還原細節。

The challenge in developing these item icons was to create something that needed to be read at a glance but also be a functional piece of equipment. Colors, shapes and item type were used to establish a language for reading icons quickly in game.

Several designs were selected to be produced by Weta Workshop and sold at the annual DOTA2 tournament, The International. Those designs were taken to further detail for development of a physical prop.


DOTA2 冠軍神盾
DOTA2 年度賽事《國際錦標賽》的冠軍獎盃「冠軍神盾」的設計階段和成品圖片。
Design process and final product images of the Aegis of Champions, trophy for DOTA2's annual tournament The International.

冠軍神盾的設計目標是成為一座與時俱進的獎盃,就如現實中的史丹利盃那樣。DOTA2 年度大賽《國際錦標賽》的冠軍們將永遠刻入盃身之中。

盾牌本身的設計目標是要讓它看起來像是由一個久遠但受魔法加持的社會所製。看似華麗,卻不失整潔、且近乎摩登。盾牌由青銅和白銀製成,並包覆在皮革上。位於盾牌中央的是一枚坐落在浮凸花飾裡的 DOTA 徽章。圍繞在旁的是兩大塊白銀浮雕,象徵著遊戲中的兩大勢力「聖輝」和「魔魘」陷於一場永恆鬥爭。浮凸花飾的設計靈感結合了東西方文化,構築出獨特的盾牌外型。

The trophy was designed to be a living trophy much like the Stanley Cup. Each year winners of the annual DOTA2 tournament, The International would be etched into the trophy forever.

The shield itself is intended to look like it was forged by an ancient but magically enhanced society. Ornate, but clean and almost modern looking. It is forged from bronze and silver and clad in leather. At the center of the shield the DOTA emblem rests within a knotted flower. Surrounding the center are two silver reliefs depicting the armies of the Dire and Radiant in an eternal struggle. Knot work inspired by both eastern and western cultures frame the distinctive shield shape.


DOTA 漫畫:最後的城堡
來自 DOTA2 漫畫《最後的城堡》的概念草圖和一張僅作製圖參考的草稿。
Concept sketching and a drafting only excerpt from the DOTA2 comic, The Last Castle.


I was responsible for layout pencils, final inks, color art direction, character design and story development.


DOTA2 英雄和 TF2 角色的圖像插畫,有採用於獨家 T恤衫上。
Graphic illustrations of Team Fortresss 2 characters and DOTA2 heroes. These illustrations were featured on exclusive t-shirts.


一系列製於 2009~2015 年間的 DOTA2 和 TF2 更新專頁圖畫。
A collection of Team Fortress 2 and DOTA2 update page art from 2009-2015.
DOTA2 三靈鼎立專頁關鍵藝術

DOTA2 魔魘狂潮專頁繪製步驟

DOTA2 迎霜節專頁頂列橫幅

TF2 WAR 更新專頁開頭圖像

TF2 WAR 更新專頁物品插圖

TF2 UBER 更新專頁頂列橫幅

TF2 工程師更新專頁頂列橫幅

TF2 萬聖節更新專頁插圖

TF2 武器「全能大使」插圖(我也負責了該武器的設計和製作)

TF2 WAR 更新「Soldier 勝利」插圖


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同標籤作品搜尋:Dota 2|繪圖

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全能大使 :P

09-27 20:33


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