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Ottoman military band 鄂圖曼土耳其帝國軍樂隊

Ottoman military bands are thought to be the oldest variety of military marching band in the world. Though they are often known by the Persian-derived word mahtar (مهتر; mehter in Ottoman Turkish) in the West, that word, properly speaking, refers only to a single musician in the band. In Ottoman, the band was generally known as mehterân (مهتران, from the Persian plural mahtarān), though those bands used in the retinue of a vizier or prince were generally known as mehterhane (مهترخانه, meaning roughly, "a gathering of mehters", from Persian "house of the mahtar"). In modern Turkish, the band as a whole is often termed mehter bölüğü ("mehter company [troop]"), mehter takımı ("mehter platoon"). In the West, the band's music is also often called Janissary music because the janissaries formed the core of the bands.

鄂圖曼軍樂隊被認為是世界上最古老的軍樂隊. 在西方世界常以源自波斯文中的 mahtar 一字聞名(مهتر; 鄂圖曼土耳其文的 mahtar), 正確來說這個字是指樂隊中的單一音樂家. 在鄂圖曼帝國時樂隊通常是用mehterân (مهتران, 波斯文中 mahtarān 的複數型), 不過用在王子的隨扈中的樂隊通常叫做 mehterhane (مهترخانه, 意思大概是 " 一群 mehters ", 從波斯文的 " mahtar  房 " 所衍生出來的字). 現代土耳其稱呼整個樂隊為 mehter bölüğü ( mehter 連隊[軍隊] ) 或是 mehter takımı ("mehter 排"). 在西方世界這種音樂通常稱之為土耳其禁衛軍音樂, 因為樂隊中的核心來自禁衛軍.

History 歷史沿革

It is believed that individual instrumentalists may have been mentioned in the 8th century Orkhon inscriptions.[citation needed] Such military bands as the mehters, however, were not definitively mentioned until the 13th century.[1] It is believed that the first "mehter" was sent to Osman I by the Seljuk Sultan Alaeddin Keykubad III as a present along with a letter that salutes the newly formed state. From then on every day after the afternoon prayer; "mehter" played for the Ottoman ruler. The notion of a military marching band, such as those in use even today, began to be borrowed from the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century. The sound associated with the mehterân also exercised an influence on European classical music, with composers such as Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Ludwig van Beethoven all writing compositions inspired by or designed to imitate the music of the mehters.[2]

一般認為在八世紀的突厥文鄂爾渾碑銘中可能就提到了單一的這種樂手. 然而直到十三世紀前都沒提到整個的樂隊 mehters. 據信第一個樂手是由賽爾柱蘇丹 Alaeddin Keykubad 三世隨著一封書信作為慶祝鄂圖曼一世建國的禮物. 從那時開始在午禱之後; mehter 就會為鄂圖曼帝國的主宰者奏樂. 今日的軍樂進行曲的概念是從十六世紀的鄂圖曼帝國借來的. 從歸類為 mehterân 中的聲音同樣也影響到歐洲的古典樂, 像是海頓, 莫札特跟貝多芬都有寫過從 mehters 啟發靈感/模仿的樂曲.

In 1826, the music of the mehters fell into disfavor following Sultan Mahmud II's abolition of the Janissary corps, who had formed the core of the bands. Subsequent to this, in the mid and late 19th century, the genre went into decline along with the Ottoman Empire. In 1911, as the empire was beginning to collapse, the director of Istanbul's military museum attempted a somewhat successful revival of the tradition, and by 1953—so as to celebrate the 500-year anniversary of the Fall of Constantinople to the forces of Sultan Mehmed II—the tradition had been fully restored as a band of the Turkish Armed Forces.
Today, the music of the mehters is largely ceremonial and considered by many Turks as a stirring example of heroism and a reminder of Turkey's historical past. Though the majority of the pieces performed by them are newer compositions.

在1826年這種 mehters 的音樂開始失寵, 馬哈茂德二世蘇丹廢除了禁衛軍中這個組成樂團的人員. 接著在時九世紀中隨著鄂圖曼帝國的衰敗這個流派也跟著不受重視. 在 1911年帝國開始崩解時在依斯坦堡的軍事博物館企圖振興傳統, 在1953年慶祝穆罕默德二世蘇丹的軍隊攻陷拜占廷帝國的君士坦丁堡500週年慶, 這項傳統成功地由土耳其武裝軍的樂隊重建起來. 在今天這種大量在慶典中使用的 mehters 音樂對大部份土耳其人來說是激發英雄主義以及緬懷土耳其過去的歷史. 雖然說樂團中主要的演奏樂曲都是較新的譜曲.

Structure 樂團架構

The standard instruments employed by a mehterân are the kös (a giant timpani), the nakare (a small kettledrum), the davul (a bass drum), the zil (cymbals), the kaba zurna (a bass variety of the zurna), the boru (a kind of trumpet), and the cevgen (a kind of stick bearing small concealed bells). The different varieties of bands are classed according to the number of instruments and musicians employed: either six-layered (altı katlı), seven-layered (yedi katlı), or nine-layered (dokuz katlı).

mehterân中標準的組成是由 kös (一種巨大的定音鼓 timpani), the nakare(一種小銅鼓,也算是定音鼓的一種), the davul (一種低音鼓), the zil (銅鈸 cymbals), the kaba zurna (一種 zurna 嗩吶), the boru (一種小喇叭), and the cevgen (一種在棍子上綁上許多小鈴鐺的樂器).

In the early 19th century the Vizier's personal band included nine each of drums and fifes, seven trumpets and four cymbals.[4]
The costumes worn by the mehterân, despite wide variance in color and style, are always very colourful, often including high ribbed hats which are flared at the top and long robes wrapped in colourful silks.

在十九世紀早期朝中大臣的私人樂隊包含有每種鼓各九個及九隻橫笛, 七個小喇叭跟四個銅鈸. mehterân 所穿的服裝儘管顏色跟樣式很多變, 不過一定是多彩多姿的, 通常有高高的緞帶帽(在頂端垂下)跟多色彩絲織品長帶圍繞的長袍.

The çorbacıbaşı,  mehter takımı 的帶隊者, 頭上帽子有著長髳以示階級
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