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Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas – Take Me Out!!

作者:薩堪德拉│2013-08-23 22:30:17│巴幣:2│人氣:671

演唱者:Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas
作詞作曲:Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas
收錄專輯:Dance & Scream

Why aren’t you meeting me tonight?
I am tired waiting for you
I want to see you tonight…

Why don’t you pick me up
It’s boring here
I’m already sick of twisting my hair

You are a little, fickle, (and) pickle man making me falling in love
Come get me or (else) i’ll wash my hands off you

So, take me out! To the dance hall!
Let me out! To the ball dance!
i want to be with you (and) dance ’til the sun rise up

So, take me out! To the dance hall!
Let me out! To the ball dance!
I want to dance with you under the moon light

White ball dress (and) shiny glass high heel you would love to see
come hug me or (else) i’ll wash my hands off you

Take me out! To the dance hall!
Let me out! To the ball dance!
i want to be with you (and) dance ’til the sun rise up

So, take me out! To the dance hall!
Let me out! To the ball dance!
I want to dance with you under the moon light

Will you take my hands (and) dance with me?
And, will you say that you love me?
I love you from my heart

Can you take me out?
Say that you’re ready to go
Do not keep me waiting here (or) I’ll hate you!

Tale, Wizard, Ball Dance, Mid-night, Glass High Heels

I have read that story in the past
The story of a poor girl

What a fool!
Oh, what a fool she is!
Leaving the price all alone
How stupid she is!
Couldn’t she have just stayed with him?!
Oh, i wish he will come pick me up
I am just like (a) sad cinderella!
Please let me get out!
I want to see you tonight!

Take me out! To the dance hall!
Let me out! To the ball dance!
i want to be with you (and) dance ’til the sun rise up

So, take me out! To the dance hall!
Let me out! To the ball dance!
I want to dance with you under the moon light

Will you take my hands (and) dance with me?
And, will you say that you love me?
I love you from my heart

Can you take me out?
Say that you’re ready to go
Do not keep me waiting here (or) I’ll hate you!



是說這整張專輯的標題有個很有趣的地方, 專輯名稱叫做Dance & Scream

01 - Burn the Disco Floor with Your “2-step”!!
02 - Hey Girl!! Why Not Party Like a Bitch!
(嗨女孩! 為什麼不讓派對更狂歡)
03 - Stray in Chaos
04 - Love at First Sight
05 - Take Me Out!!
07 - My Dear Lady, Will You Dance With Me Tonight
08 - Because You Are Here
09 - Solitude X'mas
10 - Beyond the End
11 - Twilight

我想這是他們在專輯裡面的一個玩心吧 ? XD
All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


同標籤作品搜尋:Fear| and Loathing in Las Vegas|Take Me Out!!|DanceScream

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