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PS3 刺客教條: 啟示錄 100%獎盃心得與攻略

作者:猛.龍│2012-11-24 11:58:15│巴幣:4│人氣:817

DLC: The Lost Archive
用PSS花315買的DLC,Subject 16的故事,和Desmond的劇情一樣是第一人稱3D迷宮的玩法,7個Memory,decipher fragments共20個分散在各memory裡,記得順便拿就不用再玩一次,總共10個獎盃,以下是我拿到的順序:
1. Save yourself:  Land on a block after falling more than 25 meters.
最簡單獎盃,Memory 1到可以開始按R1方塊要到對面的那個地方,往下跳,下降一段距離壓R1,時機就憑感覺。
2. Part of the Creed:  Take the induction leap of faith.
memory 2通過拿到。
3. Jump they say:  Reach the Animus memo.
Memory 3到第一封信那裡。
4. Enter the Animus:  Enter the Animus simulation.
Memory 4進到Animus。
5. Meet your maker:  Finish memory five.
Memory 5通過拿到。
6. Find all Pieces:  Find all of the decipher fragments.
共20個破譯片段,youtube上有攻略地點,每個memory左下方拿到會顯示拿到幾個,memory 1有1個,memory 2有4個,memory 3有3個,memory 4有4個,memory 5沒有,memory 6有4個,memory 7有4個。
7. The Loop:  Experience the loop.
Memory 7通過拿到。
8. Breaking the Loop:  Break the loop, escape the cycle.
必須拿到20個decipher fragments,Memory 7破關後回到Memory 1,選DNA的Memory 5重玩,一開始就會有動畫告訴你出縣另一個門,一直走到Memory 5最後那裡,不走原本的出口,走左方新的橋進門出去,真正的破關拿獎盃。
9. Cross Styx without dying:  Make it across the river Styx without falling.
10. Impress Warren Vidic:  Complete the Animus testing sequence without falling.
DLC: Multiplayer Character Pack
1. Pirate's Bravery:   Use the Bodyguard against your pursuer as The Privateer (Multiplayer).
2. The Juggernaut:  Perform 3 kills using the Charge as The Gladiator (Multiplayer).
3. Stopped Dead:  Obtain 3 Hidden Gun kills during a session of Steal The Artifact as The Corsair (Multiplayer).
組團的話simulation category選private,mode選steal the artifact,2人即可,用hidden gun殺3次。
4. The Vulture:  Obtain 5 Ground Finish bonuses in Manhunt during a session as The Brigand (Multiplayer).
組團的話simulation category選private,mode選manhunt,至少要3人,隊友殺死的敵人按□有ground finish,殺5人總共5次,我是自己拿到這獎盃,一直搜manhunt,然後是team leader時趕快選brigand,然後就是不殺等隊友殺完用ground finish。
DLC: Multiplayer Map Pack
1. Straw Hat:  Perform 2 kills from haystacks during a session in San Donato (Multiplayer).
選Training ground,這模式是自己練習,所以這獎盃很容易可以自己解,simulation category選private on extra content maps,map選San Donato,然後躲在稻草堆裡殺掉2人。
2. The Spice of Life:  Obtain 2 Variety bonuses during a session in Firenze (Multiplayer).
和上面獎盃一樣選Training ground,這獎盃可以自己解,simulation category選private on extra content maps,map選Florence(Firenze),技能裝poison及hidden gun,及kill streak裝LV 23才會學到的Animus steak,所以要解這獎盃要LV 23並買下上述的技能,這獎盃的2 variety bonuses就是指拿Variety及Greater Variety這2個,所以要有10個不同的bonuses,以下為我拿到的bonus: (1) Incognito (2) Silent (3) Discreet (4) Reckless (5) Focus (6) Hidden (7) Poison (8) Acrobatic (9) Streak Bonus (10) Animus Hack,Animus Hack原本在training round是拿不到,但因為殺到9人會發動Animus steak,拿到這10個bonus拿獎盃,整個變簡單了。
3. Wild Rage:     Perform 3 Stuns without dying in Jerusalem (Multiplayer).
組團的話simulation category選private on extra content maps,mode選Manhunt,map選Jerusalem,2人即可,用Stun打對手3次不死。
4. Up and Down:  Perform 5 Leaps of Faith during a session of Assassinate in Imperial District (Multiplayer).
組團的話simulation category選private on extra content maps,mode選Assassinate,map選Imperial,2人即可,到建築物頂往稻草車跳5次。
5. Restrained Violence:  Obtain 5 Kill Assist bonuses during a session of any Team Mode in Dyers (Multiplayer).
組團的話simulation category選private on extra content maps,map選dyers,至少3人,mode必須是team mode,用L1選到敵人,然後讓隊友殺,直到5人。
6. Carnival:  Stay blended for 3 minutes during a Wanted session in Siena (Multiplayer).
組團的話simulation category選private on extra content maps,mode選wanted,map選Siena,至少4人,躲在人群中總共3分鐘。
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03-03 15:20

dlc不影響白金 只影響%數12-20 11:16

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前一篇:PS3 刺客教條: 啟示... 後一篇:PS3 秘境探險3: 德...




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