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College Essay

作者:William│2015-04-21 23:12:51│巴幣:0│人氣:99
I believe everyone might have his unique dream or goal, but it is not easy for everyone to accomplish his dream in the reality. Most of people, including me, do try their best to aim for their goals even if they might not reach their targets. It is not smooth and successful in my high school life due to the lack of motivation and efforts.
I was used to study in local Chinese school in Taiwan; however, I could not adjust myself well in Taiwan Education System. I almost failed each subject in my middle school; therefore, I started to be reluctant to attend school. My parents are not wealthy, but they worried about my frustration and learning outcomes. After completing my 9th grade, my parents transferred me to an international school, Dominican International School in Taipei, which charged a very expensive tuition. Due to the new learning environment, I encountered the problem of language barrier and culture impact. Nevertheless, I did not realize I should appreciate the new learning opportunities rather than tried to earn money to pay my parents back from web based fantasy world such as online games.
Initially, I did earn my first compensation through virtual games; yet, I spent too much time on playing video games and did not actually pay attention on my school works. Three quarters passed, I failed most of tests; despite of working hard at 4th quarter, I could not raise my grades at the end of 10th grade. Undoubtedly, I failed some subjects and got a very poor GPA. Ironically, I did not earn any money to pay back to my parents, but also had to pay extra tuition for retaking courses in summer.
Did I learn lessons from my failure either in virtual investment or in academic results? Not really! I was so foolish to believe the virtual investment in bonds even though I did not have any financial background. I began to invest in bonds through online trading game; however, this was my big blunder I had ever made. I did some studies on companies I invested and asked others' opinions on my blog; surely, I had earned some tiny compensation in return at the beginning. Afterwards, I lost all of my money on this virtual investment because it was indeed a virtual game. Of course, my GPA at my junior year was not satisfied as well. What I lost was not only my money but also my confidence in learning and my self-esteem. What should I do next? What would I pursue in the future? I was confused and puzzled. Is it too late to realize and catch up?
When I recall my failure, I feel so shameful and guilty; besides, there is no time to regret. I have to learn from the lessons, and I have to move on what I am supposed to do as a student. Although it is my senior year, I still need to work hard and try my best to focus on my school works and college applications. Fortunately, I finally realize what my interest is and what I am going to pursue through my failed virtual games. I am really fascinated in game designs and good at playing games. If I choose this field as my future career, I will easily understand what most of players truly want as I was used to be one of players. I sincerely believe that I could perform well in the field I am really interested; furthermore, I have overcome the language barrier and culture impact. I enjoy a lot studying with my friends who are from different countries and also communicate well with them in English. No pain no gain. Even if I still need a lot of improvement in English, I would assure that I can succeed in college if I have my determination and efforts.
Words entered: 644                                                       By William Chang
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