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the ending of light

作者:William│2013-08-24 15:55:11│巴幣:0│人氣:77
The sun is falling down as fast as the light speed, I feel hopeless the moon is upon the mountain, the mountain is dark as a sky the mood is enormous. I don’t know where am I, who I am I don’t even know my name, I set on the computer chair and started to wright this scene. I feel lonely no one is in the world, only me. I don’t know what to do, I just keep typing the word. The time is running very slow. When I look down my feet I see there is something twining round my feet and leg, every thing beside look different that the normal thing that I saw before, they are twist and fantasy. And I see ” Ending of your life”!
After that everything destroyed beside me, I feel happy and freedom, I know is time for me to go.       

this is the beginning if you like it I will keep writing
in Chinese
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08-24 15:58


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