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刺客教條 成就解法詳細說明

作者:我是麥克│2007-12-07 03:03:11│巴幣:0│人氣:1378

Welcome to the all new easier to understand achievement guide for Assassin's Creed. I hope this guide can help you with the achievements for this game.

Things to watch out for at the beginning

Conversationalist (20) Go through every dialog with Lucy. - When you go back to the lab make sure you talk with Lucy before you go to bed. This is a very annoying achievement because it is very easy to miss one of the conversations especially at the beginning.

Tip on the flags. - Try not to pick up any flags throughout the game as it's easier to check flags off of a list at the end of the game if you no that there is no way you have got them in the past. It saves you from ticking off flags that you may have already got and aren't sure so it saves you the dispair of having 99/100 flags in say Damascus.

Hungerer of Knowledge (20) See 85% of all the memory glitches. - You will have to pay attention through the sometimes long and tedious cut-scenes for this one. Occasionally some strange little hexagon will appear on the screen and quickly disappear. You will have to hit a button whilst the shapes are still on the screen and it will let you see the cut-scene from a different perspective. You will have to hit at least 85% of these to get the achievement. They start getting thrown at you early in the game so I thought I would put it here so you will know what to look out for. Note that there is memory glitches during the cut-scenes with the blue background when you assasinate your target.

Disciple of the Creed (30) Assassinate all your targets with a full DNA bar. - Before you assassinate you target make sure that you have completed every ‘Eavesdropping’, ‘Interrogation’, ‘Save the Citizen’, 'Informer' and ‘High point’ missions. You will see that after you have done these the little DNA bar that appears in the top-left occasionally will be full. You can also access this from the start menu. Make sure that you complete it for each target to get the achievement.
Achievements that you will get by playing the main story (In rough order of when you'll get them)

Welcome to the Animus (20) You've successfully completed the Animus tutorial. - To get this achievement you will have to simply finish the tutorial at the beginning of the game.

Hero of Masyaf (20) You've protected Masyaf from the Templar invasion. - Carry on doing the first mission until you get to the bit where you have to crush the Templars with the logs. You will receive the achievement after you’ve crushed them.

The Punishment for Treason (20) You have found the traitor and have brought him before Al Mualim. - Continue with the first memory block and eventually you will have to interrogate the traitor. After this the memory will fast-forward and you will be in front of Al Mualim. You will then receive the achievement.

Blade in the Crowd (30) Kill one of your main targets like a true assassin. - To get this you will need to assassinate one of you targets without being spotted. I did it on my very first assassination and just held (A) to blend until he got close enough to me then I hit (X) to assassinate him.

Fearless (25) Complete all Reach High Points. - This is extremely easy to get. When you progress through the game you will travel to new cities and unlock new districts. Look on your map and you will be able to see the ‘high point markers’ (squares with an eagle in them). Just set a marker to them and climb to the top of the tower. Once your up there you will need to press (Y) to synchronize (Altair will basically look around at the city) and then you can do a ‘leap of faith’ off of the plank that sticks out over the edge. Just do this for every ‘high point’ to unlock the achievement.

(See secrets part for achievement details on the different targets)

For the following three you have to complete every 'Save the citizen mission' in every district of the required city:

Defender of the People: Acre (20) - Complete every free mission in Acre.
Defender of the People: Damascus (20) - Complete every free mission in Damascus.
Defender of the People: Jerusalem (20) - Complete every free mission in Jerusalem.

Absolute Symbiosis (45) Have a complete Synchronization bar. - To increase your synchronization bar you have to complete ‘High Point’ and ‘Save the Citizen’ missions. You will also have it increased by progressing through the game.

The Eagle and The Apple - 1191 (100) Complete Assassin's Creed. - This achievement will unlock after you have assassinated all nine targets and spoken to Al Mualim.

Achievements you can do anytime you want through the game

Enemy of the Poor (5) Grab and Throw 25 Harassers. - This achievement is one of the easier achievements in the game. To receive it you will have to grab and throw (RT+B) 25 beggars as they come up and surround you begging. The best place to find beggars is in the poorer districts of the three major cities.

Gifted Escapist (5) Jump through 20 merchant stands. - Again this is another easy achievement to get. You have to basically go up to a merchant stand and press (RT+A) and Altair should pass through it.

March of the Pious (5) Use Scholar blending 20 times. - Probably the easiest achievement in the game. I did it right near the beginning of the game before I went into Damascus for the first time. I saved the citizen to get the scholars to appear. I then went up to them and pressed (A) to blend with them. Then all you have to do is button mash (A) and Altair should keep blending/unblending with them and you should get the achievement in about 20 seconds.

Eagle's Dance (10) Perform 50 leap of faith. - Assuming you all know what a ‘leap of faith’ is all you have to do is look for a spot to jump from (there should be a few birds or an eagle that will fly away when you get close to mark where to jump from) then you simply have to press (RT+A) to jump from the ledge into some hay. You can climb up again to the ledge and repeat 50 times or you will eventually get it by reaching all of the view points in the game and jumping from them.

The hands of a Thief (15) Pickpocket 200 throwing knives. - To get this achievement you will have to have unlocked the throwing knives by progressing through the story and then you will need to find some thugs (they have knife belts and highlight like guards when you are near them) and walk up behind them whilst holding down (RT+B), repeat this until you eventually get the achievement.

Eagle's Eye (15) Kill 75 guards by throwing knives. - Select your throwing knives (Left on D-Pad) and lock on to a guard by pressing (LT), press (X) to throw a knife at him and he will die. Repeat this 75 times to get the achievement.

Eagle's Talon (15) Perform 50 stealth assassinations. - Select your hidden blade (Up on D-Pad) and simply walk up behind a guard or civilian and press (X) to kill him/her. Try to do this where no-one else can see you, that way you won’t get pursued by the guards.

Eagle's Prey (20) Assassinate 100 guards. - Same as above but it has to be done on guards. You can also choose to do a high-profile assassination by holding down (RT) to run while you press (X).

Eagle's Swiftness (20) Perform 100 Counter Kill in Fights. - You should unlock the counter move again after you complete the first assassination. To counter kill you will need to wait for a guard to swing at you and press (RT+X), this should result in a cinematic of you killing the guard. Repeat this 100 times to unlock the achievement.

Eagle's Will (20) Defeat 100 opponents without dying. - The very first town is probably your best bet for this one as there is not huge clusters of guards to surround you and you still have all of your weapons and moves to help you. Simply kill 100 guards without dying to receive this one.

Eagle's Flight (20) Last 10 minutes in open conflict. - This one is easier then it sounds. All you have to do is get in a fight with a guard, it’s a lot easier if you have some vigilantes around you and you are only facing one guard and simply hold down (RT).

Eagle's Dive (20) Perform 50 Combo Kills in Fights. - Personally I think this is one of the harder achievements in the game because I can never get it to work. To do a combo move you have to be fighting with a guard and press (X) to attack. Exactly when your swords clash (sparks fly and it goes clang) you have to hit the (X) button again. It will then go into a cinematic of you killing the guard. Just repeat this 50 times until you get the achievement. This can be done in the training arena and it makes it alot easier.

Eagle's Challenge (20) Defeat 25 guards in a single fight. - The best place I’ve found to get this achievement is in front of Jerusalem. There is enough guards there, you can easily kill a few by trampling a group of them with your horse. You have to make sure that you don’t break the line of sight or you’ll have to start all over again.

Achievements better done after you have completed the game

Personal Vendetta (40) Kill every Templar. - Again a map will help you find them. The easiest way to kill them is probably by knocking them over onto the floor and not letting them get back up. Just keep slashing away until they eventually die.

For the next five achievements you have to locate and grab every flag in the different cities. If you followed my advice at the beggining it's alot easier. These can take a while to get unless you have a map so here are some links to the maps (credits to twistedsymphony for the links) :


Keeper of the Order (10) - Find all Templar Flags in Acre.
Keeper of the Creed (10) - Find All Flags in Masyaf.
Keeper of the Black Cross (10) - Find All Teutonic Flags in Acre.
Keeper of the 8 Virtues (10) - Find All Hospitalier Flags in Acre.
Keeper of the Lions Passant (25) - Find All of Richard's Flags in the Kingdom.

Secret Achievements

Visions of the future (50) A strange vision has occured to you. What could it mean? - After you have completed the game you just have to go to your bedroom and press (Y) to use eagle vision and see lots of writing on the wall that the previous person had wrote. Achievement unlocked.

The rest of the secrets are unlocked by playing through the game. You will unlock an achievement after each main assasination you do.

The Blood of a Corrupt Merchant (25) - Kill Tamir, Black Market Merchant, in Damascus.

The Blood of a Doctor (25) - Kill Garnier de Naplouse, Hospitalier leader, in Acre.

The Blood of a Slave Trader (25) - Kill Talal, Slave Trader, in Jerusalem.

The Blood of a Merchant King (25) - Kill Abu'l Nuqoud, Merchant King, in Damascus.

The Blood of a Regent (25) - Kill Majd Addin, Regent of Jerusalem.

The Blood of a Liege-Lord (25) - Kill William of Montferrat, Liege-Lord, of Acre.

The Blood of a Teutonic Leader (25) - Kill Sibrand, the Teutonic Leader, of Acre.

The Blood of a Scribe (25) - Kill Jubair, the Scribe, of Damascus.

The Blood of a Nemesis (25) - Kill Robert de Sable, the Templar's leader.

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