
0 GP

刺客教條 成就表

作者:我是麥克│2007-11-30 23:25:06│巴幣:0│人氣:1165
1. The Eagle and The Apple – 1191 Complete Assassin's Creed. 100 points
2. Personal Vendetta Kill every Templar. 40 points
3. Keeper of the Lions Passant Find All of Richard's Flags in the Kingdom. 25 points
4. Keeper of the Creed Find All Flags in Masyaf. 10 points
5. Keeper of the Four Gospels Find All Flags in Jerusalem. 20 points
6. Keeper of the Crescent Find All Flags in Damascus. 20 points
7. Absolute Symbiosis Have a complete Synchronization bar. 45 points
8. Fearless Complete all Reach High Points. 25 points
9. Hungerer of Knowledge See 85% of all the memory glitches. 20 points
10. Defender of the People: Acre Complete every free mission in Acre. 20 points
11. Defender of the People:Jerusalem Complete every free mission in Jerusalem. 20 points
12. Defender of the People: Damascus Complete every free mission in Damascus. 20 points
13. Conversationalist Go through every dialog with Lucy. 20 points
14. Disciple of the Creed Assassinate all your targets with a full DNA bar. 30 points
15. Eagle's Will Defeat 100 opponents without dying. 20 points
16. Eagle's Flight Last 10 minutes in open conflict. 20 points
17. Eagle's Prey Assassinate 100 guards. 20 points
18. Blade in the Crowd Kill one of your main targets like a true assassin. 30 points
19. Eagle's Challenge Defeat 25 guards in a single fight. 20 points
20. Eagle's Swiftness Perform 100 Counter Kill in Fights. 20 points
21. Eagle's Dive Perform 50 Combo Kills in Fights. 20 points
22. Eagle's Talon Perform 50 stealth assassinations. 15 points
23. Eagle's Dance Perform 50 leap of faith. 10 points
24. The hands of a Thief Pickpocket 200 throwing knives. 15 points
25. March of the Pious Use Scholar blending 20 times. 5 points
26. Eagle's Eye Kill 75 guards by throwing knives. 15 points
27. Enemy of the Poor Grab and Throw 25 Harassers. 5 points
28. Gifted Escapist Jump through 20 merchant stands. 5 points
29. Keeper of the Black Cross Find All Teutonic Flags in Acre. 10 points
30. Keeper of the Order Find all Templar Flags in Acre. 10 points
31. Keeper of the 8 Virtues Find All Hospitalier Flags in Acre. 10 points

32. Visions of the Future A strange vision has appeared to you. What could it mean? 50 points
33. The Blood of a Corrupt Merchant You've slain Tamir, Black Market Merchant in Damascus. 25 point
34. The Blood of a Slave Trader You've slain Talal, Slave Trader of Jerusalem. 25 points
35. The Blood Of A Doctor You've slain Garnier de Naplouse, Hospitlier Leader in Acre. 25 points
36. The Blood of a Regent You've slain Majd Addin, Regent of Jerusalem. 25 points
37. The Blood of the Merchant King You've slain Abul Nuqoud, Merchant King of Damascus. 25 points
38. The Blood of a Liege-Lord You've slain William of Montferrat, Liege-Lord of Acre. 25 points
39. The Blood of a Scribe You've slain Jubair, the Scribe of Damascus. 25 points
40. The Blood of a Nemesis You've slain Robert de Sable, but there is one more... 25 points
41. The Blood of a Teutonic Leader You've slain Sibrand, the Teutonic Leader of Acre. 25 points
42. Welcome to the Animus You've successfully completed the Animus tutorial. 20 points
43. Hero of Masyaf You've protected Masyaf from the Templar invasion. 20 points
44. The Punishment for Treason You have found the traitor and have brought him before Al Mualim. 20 points
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face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

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