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Compare PS4 and Xbox one

作者:@之@│2015-06-17 22:51:47│巴幣:104│人氣:183
Topic: ComparePS4 and Xbox one
            In the 21century, types of video game console have divided widely. But there are a kind of console keep staying on the sales top.This kind of console is called “Home video game console”. Also, there are two typesof home video game console that are bestselling in the main market - “Xbox” and Playstation”. Besides, consumers will oftencurious about which console is better.Therefore, I’m going to compare the differences by comparing the hardware andfunction with two types of hottestconsoles“PlayStation4”(PS4) and “Xbox one”.
            Theappearance of the two devices are similar, but inside there are still someattraction that will effect on the desire to purchase. The most distinctionhardware in between the two devices is the “disk”,which is a place where devices use to store data or information. Nevertheless,PS4 is able to change its disk, therefore consumers would like to change theoriginal disk into a special disk called “SSD” , solid state disk, SSD can providebetter data running speed on PS4 but itsstorage is limited.  On the other hand, the disk system which Xboxone using also got some benefits. Xbox one is able to output its disk byconnecting more disks, means it can store more data and information. To sum up,the disk of Xbox one using can provide more storage than PS4’s system does, butPS4’s SSD can makes it execute faster than Xbox one does.
            Second,there are also some differences in the functions in two types of consoles. Themost different part is the controller. Controller always plays a big roll inHome video game console. Besides, some people will also consumed the devicejust by comparing the controller. The controller of PS4 is design for multiplegaming. The special part is it is designed with a share button and microphoneon it, which is the function that Xbox one’sdoes not have. On the other hand, the controller of Xbox one have upgraded the “trigger”,which is a button use to aim in shooting games, the improvement makes peoplefeel more vivid. By comparing controllers, PS4’s is more suitable for peoplewho like to play with others, and Xbox one’s is fit in people who like to enjoyin the furious in games.
            Inconclusion, it is not difficult to find out the difference between the twokinds of consoles. But obviously it is not hard to find out that both PS4 andXbox one are invented in a great design. Overall, there are always no definitebenefit or drawbacks. By doing comparison, consumers are being able to knowwhich kind of console they prefer and develop what functions are they reallywant.
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