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Discuss the effect of using social network websites

作者:@之@│2015-05-25 01:39:52│巴幣:16│人氣:160
Topic: Discuss the effect of using social network websites            

            Recently, global internet are getting common and common. However, it may cause of many effects that we will never think of before. The personal information will easily be stolen, but it will be more easily to exchange information by the social network. On the one hand, imagine of a picture that swindlers are using your identity to register a credit card. In the meantime bank manager keep calling you for paying credit card bills but you do not even know what you have bought.On the other hand, it will be easier for police to identify criminals.
            We are exchanging information anywhere and anytime. It could said that the human society is based on exchanging the information. By the social network websites, it is being more easily for exchanging information. Besides, we are able to sending messages or documents to large number of people at the same time. Also, using socialnetwork websites leads to the increment of people who participate in societyissues. We are able to catch the hottest news on social network websites, and it will soon become a topical subject in your daily life.
            I believed that almosteveryone have a social network account. No matter it is Facebook, Twitter or Plurk. In order to register a account we must key in our personal information such as name, ages, or home-address. Further more, social network websites keeps all of your personal information online. Criminals can be able to get your personal information simply by Googling your name. Moreover, one of the most dangerous effect is that criminals can fake your identity to do whatever they want. It is more important to protect ourself from swindler than surfing on the internet unprotected.
            Using social network websites might causes both good and bad effects. Although we might be more easilyto exchange information, but the personal information will easily be stolen. Itis important to analyze the effects of using social network websites in order to get a clear picture of it.
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