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Persuasive Essay - Should animal dissections be banned in school ?

作者:@之@│2015-05-12 20:56:05│巴幣:1,006│人氣:248
Will you let a non-experience doctor doing operations on your stomach? Dissection is always a big part in medication. Patients will get ruined if the physician have no experience on doing animal dissection. Moreover, students can also get more knowledge by dissecting animals.

First, knowledge that we could get from books is limited, and next step we can keep going on is having hand-on experiences. It is claimed that we can not learn everything through books. Such as drawing, we cannot draw beautiful picture by reading drawing-books but without any practice. So do operation, students will not have a successful operation without any practice - dissection. It is undoubtedly true that learning from books is important. However we still need to practice by our hands.

Second, We cannot remove anxious from students or create experiences in holding scalpel by paper sheets and powerpoint. It is normal that we will feel nervous while trying to dissect a creature. So how come we could let students having a operation on organism with nervousness. It explained students must have experiences in holding scalpel even having a dissection.

Supporters of this viewpoint say that it is too cruel to dissect animals. However, more educated people know that the animals for students to dissect is raised for it. And we will not let them feel painful when dissecting them by using modern anesthesia technic. By doing dissection, students can learn more about organ structure, and not to be nervous in having operations. In conclusion, while doing a operation a small mistake could straightly effect on the result. In the worst situation it may cause of death. Overall, can you image a world that students should not dissect animals?
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