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Sometimes I feel like crying

作者:ω馬克杯ω│2010-09-19 13:28:51│巴幣:0│人氣:472
Sometimes I feel like crying, yes, like now. I don't know, I just have the urge to cry. I barely tell people stuff anymore, it's like they don't even care, or they can't help. How come my life cannot be smooth like some of yours? How come I have to move back and forth? How come I am gay? How come I am not rich? How come I am not smart? I have so many questions that I want to ask. Yes nobody is perfect, that's why I want to learn so many languages, I want to make people think that I have something, not just a blank piece of paper.
My sister always demands me to do stuff, yes I used the word demand because it's literallly. SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS THE FREAKING PRINCESS, and I am just a servant or something. She does NOT know how to be polite to people, and she doesn't know how to think the other way around, her brain is just one-way. I wish I had a brother instead. A brother would be so much better, I mean, seriously.
I am so not satisfied with my current situation, but guess what, I think I gotta make it better, if that's possible.
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留言共 1 篇留言

everything will be alright
you can through it,to believe yourself
find the answer,you will grow.

05-10 00:11


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前一篇:【德文】常用動詞現在式變... 後一篇:【法文音樂】S'...




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