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You Like Me? (Tomoyo X ?)

作者:青草│2015-06-12 04:30:40│巴幣:0│人氣:146
‘You like me?’ asked Tomoyo all of a sudden.

It was the last year in their junior high, as summer holidays approaching; they found it a necessity to get some ice cream after school to resist the climbing heat. Tomoyo had almost finished her sundae while her partner had only finished about half of his. Her partner’s sundae was actually melting into a pool of cream.

He nearly choked, yet, in the next second, he put on his infamous smile back on his face. It should not be such a big surprise for him, he considered. After all, being an observer himself, he should have known that his every single action could not escape those amethyst eyes, which belonged to the lady sitting right in front of him.

‘Are you ready to face the truth? It might not be as pretty as you have hoped,’ he answered lightly, almost like she was just talking about the weather.

‘No,’ she chuckled, ‘but I still hope you can tell me the truth, since we are such good friends, aren’t we?’ She was a bit disappointed to see he was still on his guard. However, she still believed in her own observation skills and instincts.

‘Ahem,’ he cleared his throat. ‘If you wish to stay safe and happy, then listen: I like you. You are my best friend of the opposite sex, and I do enjoy every moment we share together. Being an observer myself, it is delighting to find an observing company for the mutual understanding of cherishing life as an onlooker. You see, it’s double the fun to be able to share little secrets with a friend who has insight to everything. Don’t you agree, Miss Daidouji?’ As he spoke, he looked into her face so hard that it seemed he was trying to drown Tomoyo with his ocean-like orbs.

Tomoyo felt herself heat up from head to toe under his gaze, she believed that now her face could fry an egg. ‘You liar,’ she pinpointed. ‘This cannot explain your frequent glances to me, sometimes unreasoned smiles, and now your melted sundae. One more chance for the truth.’ She finished with an all-knowing smile.

‘If you persist, Miss Daidouji, for the ultimate truth, then I’ll show you.’ He got up from the table, smiling, and walked directly to her seat. Embracing her securely in his arms, he pressed his lips softly on hers.

Tomoyo was surprised, but only by little, feeling terribly happy at the same time. She knew this person was her soul mate long ago; otherwise she would not have prompted him with the first question.

‘No, Miss Daidouji, I don’t like you. I love you, in fact, with my whole heart and soul. Would you be my girlfriend?’ He whispered after he pulled his lips off hers.

A beaming Tomoyo gave him a smiling nod.

~~ FIN ~~

Author’s note: In case you still don’t get who Tomoyo was enjoying ice cream with, it was no other than Eriol Hiiragizawa.
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