
1 GP

Getting Recognized

作者:herman│2021-08-09 00:56:08│巴幣:2│人氣:113
I don't go outside that much.


I don't see people that much.


I dont get recognized in public that much.

now you might think,

"JAMES, Really? YOU get recognized?

but you're just some college dropout sitting in the closet right now making cartoons on the internet.

people RECOGNIZE you a-and talk to you and ask for your autograph?!?"

YEAH! I thought the same thing!!

I don't even show my face that much in my videos,

so I don't know how people remembered what I look like!

When I first started drawing comics four years ago,

I was never expecting that later,

people would come up to me and be nervously asking me to write my name down on a piece of paper.

Now can I just talk about this,

I don't have a signature.

And if I'm gonna be signing things I really should start thinking about getting one.

I signed 6.000 cards and on all of them I wrote James and put a little smiley face

I probably wrote out my name more times that week than I did in my entire life

Also another thing, I have terrible handwriting.

You'd think since I'm good at drawing cartoon characters, I should be good at drawing letters of the alphabet

whenever I sign something I always have to warn my fans

"I'm really sorry I have bad handwriting,"

and they always say the same thing

"It's fine!" ;3

No it's not fine!

I'm about to ruin whatever this pen touches

I don't get recognized as nearly as many times as you might think

like I can go to the grocery store and not get recognized at all

all though, I am noticing that I get weird looks from kids now.

I don't know if that's because of YouTube though.

But if you do see me out in the wild,

then by all means come up to me and say hi!

even if you're not sure it's me come up and ask.

E-even if I'm on my phone,

just slap it out of my hand and I'll say "Dude what the heck!?"

and then you say: "theodd1sout?"

and I'll say...

heh heh heh


I'm a pretty chill guy, okay?

the only time I can think of it not being okay to come up and talk to me,

is if I'm asleep.

don't wake me up guys.

one time I was at the dollar store,

not a proud moment in my life

and letter I went home and someone on Twitter asked;

"Hey were you just at the dollar store at this address?"

and I said...


another time I was at Chipotle

and I know in a previous video I said,


But I'm a weak man

I might have to call off the boycott

so anyway I'm standing in line to get a burrito,

and I see a girl sitting down on the chairs looking at her phone,

and she sorta looked like a girl that I went to highschool with,

is that... is that Rachel?

I didn't say anything though

I got my food and as I was about to leave,

I glanced back at the girl,

and she was looking at me,

we both had that look in our eye like,

yeah, we know each other!

so I went over to her and I said; "Hi Rach-"

"Are you James from theodd1sout?"


you didn't go to highschool with her!

okay well I'm gonna go know, good luck on your own!

y-ya-yeah yeah I am!

what's your name?


my name's James,

you already knew that.

if you're watching Maria,

when I saw you,

I thought we went to highschool together,

you looked like someone who was in my improv team.

so I recently went to Pax South with my friend Eugene.

that's not his real name,

I asked him if he was okay with me saying his real name in this video,

he said he was fine with it

but I think calling him Eugene would be funnier.

if you don't know what Pax is

it's basically Comic Con but only for games

they have card games and board games

but it's mostly video games

I've known Eugene for about an year now,

but I've only ever talked to him over the internet

one day he asked

"Hey! Do you wanna go to Pax South with me?"

"It's in my hometown!"

and I said,


cause I think that's what friends do.

I'm gonna leave out a lot of details about what I did at PAX,

because I think that can be a video all by itself.

but just traveling there I was recognized

I got on the airplane to go to Texas

And this girl and her mom sat next to me

And I noticed that the girl's iPad Wallpaper is Markiplier and Jacksepticeye

Part of me wanted to say "OH, so you watch YOUTUBE VIDEOS??"

"AHA CHA- Do you know MEEEEE-" :3

But that's a tacky thing to say.

I thought if she knew me, she'll say something;

Don't start off conversations like that.

We went the whole flight without saying anything to each other

And then when we landed, mom said to me

"Hey, my daughter thinks you make Youtube videos"



On Friday, Eugene had to go to classes before PAX

So I went with him so I could go straight to the convention.

One of his class's was in a computer lab.

I sat down next to Eugene's friend

And the computer was already logged on

So I was worried that I might be stealing someone else's spot.

But then some other guy walks into the class

And he looks at me and goes "Woah"

And I said "Oh is this your spot?"

"You're the Odd1sout"


I didn't know him, but he knew me.

Which is weird to think about

Of all the places you'd expect to meet a youtuber,

your computer lab wouldn't be one of them

I started messing around on Microsoft Paint

I wasn't paying attention to the teacher

I drew a landscape with a horse

It was beautiful

And then I drew my cartoon character with a mouse

Also (sidenote) this is why you don't draw with a mouse kids

And Eugene's friend saw it and said, "Hey, that looks like a youtuber my brother watches"

And I said, "....Huh"


And then I went to PAX

And I got recognized a lot there

I almost got kicked out because of all the people who recognized me

Were causing a lot of fire hazard

After PAX was over

I went to the airport to go home

I got recognized by another kid who didn't even go to PAX

And also apparently another person recognized me

And took this stalkerish photo and tweeted it to me

Y-You could've said hey..

I was just playing on my DS

I wasn't doing anything important

And then while I was making this video

I was recognized again at Target

Not including VidCon, PAX and Jr High I tutor at sometimes

Those were all the times I got recognized

That I remember

At PAX there was this boy who came up to me and said

"You wet the bed until you were eight years old"

He was bringing up a joke in the peeing video

Where I've said "If we've ever meet each other in real life, you're not allowed to bring it up"

But the kid who was saying it obviously as a joke

I knew he was messing around with me

So I laughed and pushed him away like

"Gah, get out of here you knuckle head!"

But then later I was thinking

"I probably pushed that kid a little too hard"

I hope I didn't make a bad first impression

So, if I pushed you at PAX

I was doing it in a loving manner

In conclusion,

If you see me out in public

Don't be afraid to come up to me and say "Hey James, you left your house"

"Good job"

I'm a pretty normal person

Ok, so it's the end card now, where I

just talk

You know it was about a year ago when I really blew up on Youtube

I've only been doing Youtube full time for less then a year

So I'm relatively new to all this

I've never had to dealt with people recognizing me before but I love it

I love talking to fans, so don't be afraid to say hi

Sorry if I don't say hi back

I might get a lot of 'Hi's

At the end of the day, I'm still a person

And I think there's this weird mentality going on with Youtubers and their fans

That the fans put Youtubers on these super high pedestals

Like actual god status

But, I'm just someone sitting in the closet making cartoons

I'm still a person

I don't know; again I'm relatively new to all this

I guess I'm obviously doing something right, not to toot my own horn

This is a SUPER relatable topic James

I know.. ;w;

Thanks for watching

Hello Z and Nick and wear your seatbelt
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08-09 02:45

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