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【音樂】Vulnerable - Vanessa Anne Hudgens

作者:優質鮪魚│2010-09-03 00:37:48│巴幣:0│人氣:688
演唱:凡妮莎·安·哈金斯  - Vanessa Anne Hudgens
沒錯他正是 歌舞青春中的女主角 - 凱碧歐拉·曼提茲
這首Vulnerable (脆弱) 收入在她第二張專輯  Identified
專輯: Identified (2008)


When I think about you and me
I get a little weak in the knees
I feel the flutter of the butterflies and
Sometimes I can hardly breath

So, baby
Hold me now
(Hold me, hold me)
I can't tell if I am lost or found
('Cause I'm livin' in a dream
And I don't wanna wake up)
And I don't know how
To let you in or let you go
I'm so vulnerable

Hold me now
(Hold me)
Please baby, don't let me down
('Cause I'm livin' in a dream
And I don't wanna wake up!)
I know for sure that you're the cure
Comin' down with a case of "I love you more"
I don't wanna be vulnerable

When it comes to this book of us
I think it's time now to turn the page
And I don't wanna say I love you first
But my heart it can hardly wait

So, baby
Hold me now
(Hold me, hold me)
I can't tell if I am lost or found
('Cause I'm livin' in a dream
And I don't wanna wake up)
And I don't know how
To let you in or let you go
I'm so vulnerable

Hold me now
(Hold me)
Please baby, don't let me down
('Cause I'm livin' in a dream
And I don't wanna wake up)
I know for sure that you're the cure
Comin' down with a case of "I love you more"
I don't wanna be vulnerable

I don't wanna see you hurt
Don't you worry, baby girl
Take my hand, understand I'm afraid
To tell you the very worst
That you want to hear me say

When you say it here tonight
Will you mean it for our life?
Will you tell me everything
That your heart is really feeling for me?
So why won't be vulnerable?

('Cause I'm livin' in a dream
And I don't wanna wake up)
And I don't know how
To let you in or let you go
I'm so vulnerable

Hold me now
(Hold me)
Please baby, don't let me down
('Cause I'm livin' in a dream
And I don't wanna wake up)
I know for sure that you're the cure
Comin' down with a case of "I love you more"
I don't wanna be vulnerable

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