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樂團 - There For Tomorrow

作者:菲│2011-09-17 19:58:14│巴幣:0│人氣:535

There For Tomorrow 成員
貝斯手、合聲 - Jay Enriquez
鼓手 - Christopher Kamrada
主唱、吉他 - Maika Maile
吉他手、合聲 - Christian Climer

Music 分享
這是個非常不錯的團 會讓菲恩 一聽在聽 希望各位會喜歡❤
如果有歌不能聽的 請留言給我 我再更換

There For Tomorrow - Hunt Hunt Hunt

There For Tomorrow - Get It

There For Tomorrow - Nowhere Blvd

There For Tomorrow - Pages

There For Tomorrow - A Little Faster

There For Tomorrow - Deathbed

There For Tomorrow - No More Room to Breathe

There For Tomorrow - Backbone

There For Tomorrow - Addiction And Her Name

There For Tomorrow - The World Calling

There For Tomorrow - Wrong Way To Hide

There For Tomorrow - Waiting

There For Tomorrow - Taking chances

There For Tomorrow - Wish You Away

There For Tomorrow - Stories

There For Tomorrow - Deadlines

There For Tomorrow - The Joyride

There For Tomorrow - I'd Be Changing If I Were You

There For Tomorrow - Stopwatch Affair

There For Tomorrow - Save

There For Tomorrow - Circle Of Lies

There For Tomorrow - 18

There For Tomorrow - Blu

There For Tomorrow - Slip Inside

There For Tomorrow - The Verge
All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


留言共 0 篇留言


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前一篇:樂團 - Lacuna ...



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