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Men of War最新的預告片in 2008 GC

作者:毛茸茸的殺人鯨│2008-08-25 23:44:20│巴幣:0│人氣:1094



Men of WAR-決勝前線的獨立運行資料片

Men of War: GC 2008 Aftermath

Postby Instinct on Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:01 am

As you know we were showcasting Men of War to journalists and gamers on the GC 2008.
Overall I have to say, that I'm hugely impressed how much the people enjoyed the game and even hardcore Soldiers players seemed to be very excited and confident about the quality of the game.

Once again thanks to the guys that paid us a vist, it was really nice to talk to you all and I hope I gave you a good bunch of information regarding the game, unless I had only little time.

The journalists also enjoyed their personal presentations on the Business booth and already a dozen of great previews appeared on the net.

Yet by all those good news we also have some less good news,
the game due to be scheduled on 12th September is most likely to shift to early October. The same reason that caused the MP Beta delay is causing this as well. However it's not a big issue, no problems with code or bugs that stop us from releasing the game, just the localization didn't finish in time.

MP Beta is going to be released soon, however we want to make it a bigger event than previously thought, so we are talking to big news portals about supporting us to deliver cd-keys to a wide range of players. I will keep you updated the next days how we will process. (I need to check out a few things myself first.)

On the other hand it means that you guys have more time to try out the game before you have to fight for survival in front of the game shelves.

Ofcourse I already gathered some previews for you guys who weren't able to come to Leipzig and have at look a the game personally.

Gamespy UK

Screens and Trailer on Krawall.de
GC 2008 MoW Trailer on Gametrailers.com
GC 2008 MoW Trailer on YouTube.com

I will post some more later, maybe a few pictures of the 1C booth as well.




備註:目前確定會將於 9 月份推出遊戲的正式版,但台灣尚未有消息會有代理商代理以及將其中文化。


 Windows 2000/XP
 1.7GHz Processor
 512MB RAM
 GeForce 3/Radeon 9600 Videocard or higher
 DirectX 9.0b
 compatible sound card
 4GB free HDD space



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