
0 GP


作者:小柯│2020-09-13 21:02:28│巴幣:0│人氣:89
高雄男遭虎頭蜂圍攻!全身狂螫50處傷口…呼吸衰竭險喪命(動物愛誤)(農業損害)(經濟損害)(製造車禍.傷人.人身被害)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)②


挖土機駕駛遭虎頭蜂群攻擊 多達50處傷口

誤觸蜂窩! 工人遭虎頭蜂圍攻 險休克送命

虎頭蜂「報復性」攻擊 大雪山區3天19起

「ハチに刺された」と告げ、搬送された38歳男性死亡 アナフィラキシーショックか 静岡・小山町(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)

草刈中ハチに刺され男性死亡 小山町(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)


ツマアカスズメバチ再調査でも見つからず 山口(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)

オオスズメバチが児童を襲う 20人が病院搬送(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)

児童ら襲ったスズメバチの巣 広島・三原市で駆除(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)




旗山醫院表示,被蜂螫後,如螫針留在皮膚上,則應儘速將刺針及或毒囊輕輕刮除,傷口用肥皂水或清水洗淨,蓋上紗布,以避免因費洛蒙再引來毒鋒,局部症狀可使用冰敷、止痛藥物,抗過敏藥及消腫藥物等,減少腫脹及不適;如四肢被螫傷, 必須休息、及患肢抬高,選免運動及肢體下垂加重腫脹。


小山町、草刈り中に蜂に刺され男性死亡(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)

ミツバチ巣箱の盗難相次ぐ 全国的な減少で…プロの仕業?(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)

恐怖跟蹤狂 殺人犯的心理學(動物愛誤)(成癮症)(自己滿足)(多頭飼育)(餵食癖)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(トキソプラズマ.弓形蟲感染症T.gondii)

無責任飼い主「アニマルホーダー」(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(トキソプラズマ.弓形蟲感染症.Toxoplasma gondii)


MOST EVIL - S03E01  Charles Manson













三原市で児童ら20人 スズメバチに刺される 広島(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)



蜂毒アレルギーの症状.対策 蜂叮(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)

連3年被蜜蜂螫 過敏婦人這回竟休克(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)

下草刈りの作業中に蜂に刺され死亡(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)

ハチに2度刺され 2回目で容体急変 ショック死(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)①

ハチに2回刺され男性死亡 新潟・佐渡(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)②

草刈り作業中ハチに刺され男性作業員死亡 佐渡市(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)③

ハチに2度刺され男性死亡 佐渡(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)④

スズメバチか 高齢者ら男女6人刺されてけが(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)①

ハチに刺され6人軽傷 秋田の神社で除草作業中(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)②

スズメバチに全身10ヵ所以上刺され男性死亡(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)①

ハチに全身60ヶ所以上を刺され男性が死亡(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)②

78歳男性死亡 全身に100か所以上ハチに刺された(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)③

ハチに刺され中学生11人搬送(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)①

スズメバチが中学生11人刺す 島根(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)②

中学生がスズメバチに刺される(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)③

中学生11人がスズメバチに刺され救急搬送(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)④

オオスズメバチが児童を襲う 20人が病院搬送(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)①

児童ら襲ったスズメバチの巣 広島・三原市で駆除(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)②

オオスズメバチに襲われる 20人が救急搬送(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)③

三原市で児童ら20人 スズメバチに刺される 広島(動物愛誤)(アニマルホーダー.動物囤積症.Animal Hoarding)(アナフィラキシーショック)(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)④



80代男性 ハチに刺され死亡か 日高町(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)②

86歳男性がハチに襲われて死亡 約100ヵ所のハチに刺された跡(アナフィラキシー)③

山口で外来スズメバチの巣確認 本州で初(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー.Anaphylaxis)①



本州で初確認 外来種「ツマアカスズメバチ」を緊急調査 環境省(アナフィラキシー)④


ツマアカスズメバチ再調査でも見つからず 山口(過敏性休克.アナフィラキシー)⑥

ハチの巣迫力満点 北上市立博物館和賀分館で企画展 岩手(アナフィラキシー)


ミツバチ巣箱の盗難相次ぐ 全国的な減少で(農業損害)(經濟損害)(アナフィラキシー)①

各地の養蜂場でミツバチ巣箱盗難 福島や九州(農業損害)(經濟損害)(アナフィラキシー)②

「ハチに刺された」草刈り中の男性が死亡 アナフィラキシーショックか(Anaphylaxis)①

草刈中ハチに刺され男性死亡 小山町(經濟損害)(人身被害)(アナフィラキシー)②




初夏から活発、ハチに注意 刺された焼津の男性死亡(人身被害)(アナフィラキシー)⑥


自宅の屋根裏にミツバチの巣、10万匹を駆除 米アトランタ(アナフィラキシー)

スズメバチから園児守る 手作り蜂誘引器設置、住友ゴム工業(アナフィラキシー)

ハチに刺されるのは2回目が危険 毎年10~20人が死亡(アナフィラキシー)


蛇、虎頭蜂頻出沒 捕蜂抓蛇隊忙碌(動物愛誤)(經濟損害)(過敏性休克)

挖土機駕駛遭虎頭蜂群攻擊 多達50處傷口(人身被害)(經濟損害)(過敏性休克)①


誤搗蜂窩!工人遭虎頭蜂圍攻 休克插管急送加護病房(經濟損害)(過敏性休克)③

台風が来ない後遺症? 台東県でスズメバチが大量発生 台湾(アナフィラキシー)

もしもにそなえておきたい 蜂毒アレルギー














獨協医科大学埼玉医療センター 呼吸器・アレルギー内科 准教授 平田 博国 先生





















獨協医科大学埼玉医療センター 呼吸器・アレルギー内科 准教授 平田 博国 先生














⟡ 提醒您



Anaphylaxis: What you need to know about life or death allergic reactions

Anaphylaxis requires immediate medical treatment, including a prompt injection of epinephrine and a trip to a hospital emergency room. If anaphylactic shock isn't treated immediately, it can be fatal.

What is anaphylaxis?

Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic response that often involves swelling, hives, lowered blood pressure and in severe cases, shock and death. Anaphylaxis requires immediate medical treatment, including a prompt injection of epinephrine and a trip to a hospital emergency room. If anaphylactic shock isn't treated immediately, it can be fatal.

Isn’t this a FD/Paramedic issue?

Ideally, yes. However, if you are on patrol you may be the closest to respond to the 911 call. Anaphylaxis is a severe and sudden allergic reaction. It occurs within minutes of exposure to an allergen. If not treated appropriately, anaphylaxis can turn deadly very quickly. Anaphylactic shock can also occur while a suspect is in your custody both in or outside of a detention facility.

Additionally, failure to recognize anaphylaxis and to seek prompt, appropriate treatment tends to upset everyone who has more stripes or stars than you do, elected officials, and family members as well.  This is truly an ounce of prevention and quick action scenario.

What are the symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction?

The major difference between anaphylaxis and other allergic reactions is that anaphylaxis typically involves more than one system of the body.

*Red rash (usually itchy and may have welts/hives)

*Swollen throat or swollen areas of the body


*Loss of consciousness

*Chest tightness

*Trouble breathing

*Hoarse voice

*Trouble swallowing



*Stomach cramping

*Pale or red color to the face and body

It is important to remember that, like other allergic reactions, an anaphylactic reaction does not usually occur after the first exposure to an allergen but after a subsequent exposure. You may have an allergic reaction to a bee sting, but the next sting could lead to anaphylaxis.

What causes anaphylaxis?

Food allergens are the most common cause of anaphylaxis. An estimated 15 million people have food allergies; 9 million adults and 6 million children have food allergies in the United States. Young children are the most affected. Emergency department visits for food-induced acute reactions occur about every 3 minutes; and visits for food-induced anaphylaxis occur every 6 minutes. According to the CDC these rates are increasing. Approximately 20-25% of epinephrine administrations in schools involve individuals whose allergy was unknown at the time of the reaction. The main culprits for food allergies are cow’s milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, soy and wheat.

Stinging insects are another common cause of anaphylaxis. It is estimated that potentially life-threatening systemic reactions to insect stings occur in up to 1% of children and 3% of adults. Hymenoptera is the name for the order of stinging insects that cause allergies, which include five species: honeybees, yellow jackets, paper wasps, hornets and fire ants. Hymenoptera stings account for more deaths in the United States than any other venomous animals, accounting for at least 40 deaths annually.

Certain medications can also cause an anaphylactic reaction; these include antibiotics (amoxicillin, ampicillin, penicillin, tetracycline), aspirin and other over-the-counter pain relievers (ibuprofen and naproxen), sulfa drugs, chemotherapy drugs and the intravenous (IV) contrast used in some imaging tests. Make sure if you have allergies to any medications that it is noted on your medical records, including the symptoms of the reaction you have. Wear a medical alert bracelet as well.

Latex can also cause allergic reactions that range from mild to deadly. Latex is found in many forms, not just gloves, but that is where you and the medical community will most likely have contact with natural rubber products. Latex can be found in tennis shoes, balloons, condoms, tires, chewing gum, and the scratch-off portion of the instant lottery ticket.

What is the protocol if you arrive on the scene of someone in anaphylactic shock?

1.Intramuscular (IM) epinephrine is the first-line treatment in all cases of anaphylaxis. Because anaphylaxis symptoms may progress rapidly and become life threatening, it is important that treatment with epinephrine be initiated promptly. Ascertain if the subject or a companion or a family member has an immediate access to an EpiPen. EpiPens are spring loaded autoinjectors designed to deliver a specific dose of an epinephrine base on a patient’s weight. If they do, or have, assist them or administer epinephrine into the muscle in the upper, outer thigh.

2.Call for additional help AFTER delivering epinephrine.

3.Eliminate additional allergen exposure. Remove food from the mouth and teeth. If the allergic reaction is from a bee sting, scrape the stinger off the skin with something firm (such as a fingernail or plastic credit card). Do not use tweezers. Squeezing the stinger will release more venom.

4.Check the person's airway, breathing, and circulation. A warning sign of dangerous throat swelling is a hoarse or whispered voice. If necessary, begin rescue breathing and CPR. Do not place a pillow under the person's head if they are having trouble breathing; this can block the airways. Do not give the subject anything by mouth if the person is having difficulty breathing; this can lead to choking and asphyxia.

5.Take steps to prevent shock. Have the person lie flat, raise the person's feet about 12 inches (30 centimeters), and cover the person with a coat or blanket. Do not place the person in this position if a head, neck, back, or leg injury is suspected, or if it causes discomfort.

6.Do not assume that any allergy shots the person has already received will provide complete protection. A second dose of epinephrine may be required in up to 20% of cases of anaphylaxis

7.Paramedics or other EMS providers may place a tube through the nose or mouth into the airways. An emergency tracheotomy may be required

8.The subject will require emergency follow-up at the nearest hospital ER.

9.Try to calm and reassure the person and any companions.

10.After the medical crisis is over the subject will be referred to an allergist/immunologist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate prescriptions.

How does epinephrine work during an anaphylactic reaction?

No other medicine acts on so many body systems as epinephrine, which is why it is the drug of choice for anaphylaxis.

1.It causes constriction, or tightening, of the blood vessels, which decreases swelling and also helps to increase blood pressure.

2.It increases the heart’s contraction and heart rate, which can help to prevent or reverse cardiovascular collapse.

3.It relaxes the muscles around the airways in the lungs, helping the airways to open up.

4.It prevents the release of additional allergic chemicals, which aids in stopping further progression of the reaction.

Note: A severe allergic reaction may sometimes last hours. Epinephrine works quickly but may only last for 15 to 20 minutes. If a patient responds poorly to the initial dose or has ongoing or progressive symptoms a second dose may be required after 5 to 15 minutes.

I’m a K-9 handler: Can my dog have an anaphylactic reaction?

The most common symptoms of anaphylaxis in dogs include the sudden onset of diarrhea, vomiting, shock, seizures, coma, and death. The animal's gums will be very pale, and the limbs will feel cold. If you know that your dog has had a history of allergies (often insect stings) an EpiPen or syringe of epinephrine should always be kept with you. Dogs weighing over 45 lbs. can use the standard 0.3 mg epinephrine EpiPen (adult’s dose) or 0.15mg (child’s dose) for dogs weighing less. The dog often requires close hospital monitoring for 24 to 48 hours after the reaction and may require life support.

Should law enforcement officers be allowed to carry epinephrine auto-injectors?

Illinois thinks so. As of Sunday, January 1, 2017 the Annie LeGere law (Bill HB 4462) went into effect in that state, and will likely save lives as first responders will have access and training to administer epinephrine. Will other states follow suit? Questions about the costs of training and EpiPens themselves (at about $600 for a 2-pack), as well as liability will obviously be issues that will need to be explored.

Can I be an officer if I have a history of severe anaphylactic reactions?

Of course; you know better than anyone how to prevent reactions, and how to treat them. However, make sure you let your partners and supervisors know your medical condition. If you are allergic to yellow jackets and are stung while on duty carry an EPI pen on your vest through the Velcro straps, and make sure everyone knows where it is. Carry your back-up as well in case a second dose is needed.

Are all state laws related to access to epinephrine at schools, camps, restaurants, etc. the same?

No, not even close. I strongly suggest you review these two websites related to the epinephrine stocking and school access laws in your state.

1.Epinephrine Entity Stocking Laws in the U.S. (https://www.networkforphl.org/_asset/8483ms/Issue-Brief-Epi-Entity-Stocking.pdf)

2.School Access to Epinephrine Map (https://www.foodallergy.org/advocacy/epinephrine/map)

Are there any tips to prevent allergic reactions and anaphylaxis?

*Avoid triggers such as foods and medicines that have caused an allergic reaction in the past.

*Ask detailed questions about ingredients when you are eating away from home. Asian restaurants and bakeries who use nuts are of concern.

*Notify hosts/hostesses of allergies. If in doubt, bring your own food.

*Carefully examine ingredient labels.

*If you have a child who is allergic to certain foods, introduce one new food at a time in small amounts so you can recognize an allergic reaction.

*Individuals who know that they have had serious allergic reactions should wear a medical ID tag.

*Make sure all medical providers and pharmacies are aware of your allergies.

*If you have a history of serious allergic reactions, carry emergency medicines (such as a chewable antihistamine and injectable epinephrine or a bee sting kit) according to your provider's instructions.

*Check the expiration date of all emergency medications and be sure to refill your prescription before it expires

*Do not use your injectable epinephrine on anyone else. They may have a condition (such as a heart problem) that could be worsened by this drug.

*If you're allergic to insect stings, wear protective clothing when you go outside. Avoid shiny fabrics or jewelry, which can attract insects. Put a lid over sugary drinks.

*See a specialist for an accurate diagnosis and to obtain appropriate prescriptions.


Some rights reserved. 姓名標示-非商業性 2.5 台灣



人と動物の共通感染症 (165)
蜱.マダニ.ダニ(SFTS) (166)
貓狗犬蛔蟲.トキソカラ症.棘球蚴病 (33)
新型コロナCOVID-19武漢肺炎 (248)

貓愛誤 (88)
台灣.中國.香港貓愛誤 (149)
日本.韓國貓愛誤 (834)
歐美中亞貓愛誤 (119)
貓愛誤殺人事件 (533)
障害者施設19人殺害.植松聖 (241)

狗.犬愛誤 (94)
台灣.中國.香港狗.犬愛誤 (515)
日本.韓國狗.犬愛誤 (594)
歐美中亞狗.犬愛誤 (153)
狗.犬愛誤殺人事件 (699)

鳥(ハト.とり)愛誤 (515)
鳥インフルエンザ.禽流感 (816)
鳥(ハト.とり)愛誤殺人事件 (36)

其他愛誤.アライグマ.ハクビシン (223)
鹿.羊.馬.牛(シカ.うま)愛誤 (708)
猴.猿(サル)愛誤 (600)
鼠類傳染病.ネズミ.ヌートリア.リス (70)
爬蟲類(サルモネラ) (48)
蜂.虎頭蜂.アナフィラキシー (49)

熊(クマ)農業(食害)損害(愛誤) (1105)
熊(クマ)人身被害.獸(動物)害 (1166)
熊(クマ)殺人事件 (154)

野豬.イノシシ.人身被害.獸害 (943)
CSF.豚コレラ.豚熱.豬瘟 (782)
ASF.アフリカ豚熱.非洲豬瘟 (135)

英語、日本語歌 (77)

電玩MAD (65)

動畫MAD (72)

童話MAD (1)

惡搞MAD (53)

圖像倉庫 (572)

電玩、動畫 OP (5)

電玩攻略 (5)

Final Fantasy 11 (10)

PlayStation 3 (44)

PlayStation 2 (8)

PlayStation Vita (4)

PlayStation (3)

SEGA Saturn (5)

PSP (4)

FF系列 (4)

3C開箱 (3)

桌布、主題 (2)

未分類 (0)


face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

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