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Cocoa Hooves -(Glass Animals)

作者:Recreation│2019-08-30 16:24:07│巴幣:0│人氣:155

This old goat with beard of grey
He turns his leather gripped cane

Those times you clapped and called for quiet
They've come to hold you, ain't that nice?

He packs a fat oom paul to
Jib and make home-baked perfume

Sips froth from soft, warm joe
Snug eiderdown bedclothes

You know...
You know the way that I


Come on you hermit
You never fight back

Why don't you play with bows and arrows?

Why don't you dance like
You're sick in your mind?

Why don't you set your wings on fire?


You slick back that wiry mane
A neat tucked slice

Deep trees sleep on the dank lawn
And scratch the slate

You finger down that waxen line
Between your breasts

A squeaky pain upon each breath
The plumbers left

You know the way that I feel


Come on you hermit
You never fight back

Why don't you play with bows and arrows?

Why don't you dance like
You're sick in your mind?

Why don't you set your wings on fire?

Come on you hermit
Why don't you play nice?

Why don't you toy with sex and violence?

Why don't you stare back
Into my huge eye?

Why don't you set my wings on fire?

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同標籤作品搜尋:音樂|Glass Animals

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前一篇:哆啦A夢 大雄的太陽王傳... 後一篇:阿阿呃呃之歌 Falle...




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