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[MH2016] 3月美版討論區雜記

作者:ccwang│2017-03-01 11:34:58│巴幣:0│人氣:1041
1. 美版官網討論區/其它地方 逛到的有趣內容轉載~ 使用 Google 翻譯 (不保證中文內容的正確性)
2. 內容以美版為主, 若為台版資訊會特別註明.

公告︰The Marvel Heroes 2016 server maintenance has been pushed to Friday(3/31). Be on the lookout for further updates and we thank you for your understanding and patience.
Patch 日期延後至 3/31 週五
{ 我覺得開發組最近幾個月來,群諷吸"怪"拉仇恨的功力越來越好,無招勝有招  
╮(╯▽╰)╭ }

Operation OMEGA Event 內容

又有VU了  : )

影片:SPIDER-MAN׃ HOMECOMING Official Trailer #2 (2017) Sneak Peek  
        SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING - Official Trailer #2 (HD)  

[Test Center] Preliminary Patch Notes (3/27)
BUG&小修正 - 部份任務進行修正調整

Pre-Order Nick Fury Now!  憤怒哥開賣了

Friday Summary - 3/24  週五摘要
1. 下週一 TC 再開
2. 3/30 週四 patch, 下回更新有 :
    Nick Fury*                  新英雄
    Medusa*                    新TU
    Infinity System 1.1*    無限系統 1.1 大改版
    Luke Cage QoL*        路克凱吉 大修
    Kitty Pryde QoL*       幻影貓 大修
    New VUs*                 新一批 VU
    New Omega Event*   新的 Omega 事件
    More...*                   更多新...

鐵拳活動和聖帕特里克節慶活動延長到星期三(3/29), 和 Odin's Bounty 三事件一起生效中(所有區域!)
4. 新服裝票選中
Click this link to Vote!

there will not be a patch on the live server this week, the updates here on Test Center will go live next week at the earliest. 本週沒有更新, TC上的新內容要下週才會實裝


Costume Wars 2017! Voting ends 4/10  投票! 選擇你想要官方推出的新服裝~
投票地點 :
Click this link to Vote!
這些服裝都是增強服裝, 工期會較長
  { 阿~ 我覺得紅浩克幾乎是必出了... }

影片 : Marvel Heroes: Nick Fury Hero Preview!  

[Test Center] Nick Fury Feedback
[Test Center] Infinity System Changes
[Test Center] Medusa Team-Up Feedback
[Test Center] Kitty Pryde Update
[Test Center] Luke Cage Update
[Test Center] Nick Fury Unique Items Feedback
[Test Center] Please Read - Note regarding Cosmic Patrols

無限系統異動 -
  各寶石分頁在 50 / 100 /150 點時都會得到一個寶石精通能力 :

    50+ Points - When you Critically Hit, regenerate 0.5% of your Maximum Health
    100+ Points - Increase your Cost Reduction by 10%
    150+ Points - +1 to All Attributes

    50+ Points - Your Ultimate Power has 20% higher Critical Hit Chance.
    100+ Points - Your Signature attack has a 10% higher Brutal Strike Chance and causes all enemies to become Weakened for 10 seconds.
    150+ Points - +1 to All Attributes

    50+ Points - When you use a Medkit, reduce the cooldown of your Ultimate by 3s (30s cooldown)
    100+ Points - When you use your Signature, reduce the cooldown of your Ultimate by 6s (60s cooldown)
    150+ Points - +1 to All Attributes

    50+ Points - When you fall below 30% Maximum Health, trigger your Medkit without activating its cooldown (60s Cooldown)
    100+ Points - Increases healing from your Medkit by 10%
    150+ Points - +1 to All Attributes

    50+ Points - Your Medkit causes you to take 10% less damage for 5 seconds
    100+ Points - Increase Damage Reduction by 1%
    150+ Points - +1 to All Attributes

    50+ Points - When you use a Medkit, your Dash Powers gain a charge
    100+ Points - Your Dash powers have 1 additional charge
    150+ Points - +1 to All Attributes

無限系統各節點能力變動 :
    Chance on hit to deal damage based on your Intelligence
    Critical Damage
    Critical Hit Chance
    Max Spirit

    Chance on hit to deal damage based on your Strength
    Brutal Damage
    Brutal Chance
    Bonus Damage to Weakened

    Chance on hit to deal damage based on your Energy
    Ultimate Cooldown
    Signature Damage
    Potent Buff on Using Ultimate for 20s, increasing base damage and base health

    Chance on hit to deal damage based on your Fighting
    Health Regeneration
    Health On Hit
    Incoming Healing Bonus %

    Chance on hit to deal damage based on your Durability
    Maximum Health
    Deflect Chance
    Defense Rating Multiplier

    Chance on hit to deal damage based on your Speed
    Dash Cooldown
    Attack Speed & Movement Speed
    Dodge Chance


新 TU

Friday Summary - 3/17  更新預告
1. Nick Fury 和 Medusa 很快就會出現在 TC

2. TC 本週六會有大更新:
    Luke Cage
    Kitty Pryde
    Infinity System

3.  下週沒有 Patch

Marvel's Iron Fist  鐵拳所有商品 25% 折扣 (本週新商品除外)

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.06 Patch Notes

Saint Patrick's Day Event =
3月16日星期四至3月22日星期三 11:59 PM PST
所有英雄 +50% XP, 以及黃階轉生練級加倍
3. 收集5層幸運草 BUFF, 可得到大掉寶
4. 收集3個  Legendary Pieces of Rainbow 彩虹可找工匠製作傳奇裝備: the Pot of Gold of Cassidy Keep!
5. 週五至週一每天登入禮加送 Saint Patrick's Day 視覺神器
6. 商城 Saint Patrick's Day Fortune Cards 節慶推出~

Celebrate Marvel's Iron Fist =
0. 慶祝 3/17 週五 Netflix 首播鐵拳俠影集, 首映事件~
期間鐵拳額外得到 +50% XP
2. 將推出一個影集風格服裝
3. Punisher 夜魔俠影集風格TU 開賣, 同款服裝 VU.
4. 鐵拳主題成就! 得到 「Immortal Weapon 不朽武器" 稱號
5. 鐵拳 XP加成只在
3月16日星期四到3月22日星期三,11:59 PM PST有效!
{阿 沒送~~~~}
確認。 我們不會送免費的鐵拳兌換代幣。

變動 - (只節錄部份)
1. 危險室一些修正
2. 推出 Cosmic Danger Room Artifacts
3.  The Cosmic Demon Spawn 詞綴已取消, 以 Cosmic Might 取代

1. 旅行技不再打破隱形
2. 黑蝠王/鐵拳/松鼠女孩 變動較大

雜項變動  & BUG 修正---
1. Mole Man 回到 MM 上班了
2. 修正38號倉庫在亞當術士處誤標為可販售問題, 已買者可收到退款
亞當術士 的商品清單可刷新
4. 更新 New Hero Welcome Kit 和 Currency Support Kit, 改用新藥劑.

[Official] March Event Schedule
[Test Center] Preliminary Patch Notes


[Test Center] Preliminary Patch Notes (3/13) TC 初步PATCH 說明

Friday Summary - 3/10  3/10 更新預覽
1. 下次 Patch 是在週四
鐵拳, 松鼠女孩是 Patch 重點, 黑蝠王進行反饋調整
3. 新推出
Magik 模組檢視
4. A.R.M.O.R.Incursion 和 Old Man Logan 雙事件結束於 3/15
5. 大概要到月底才會進一步的無限系統修改消息
6. Medusa 可能在月中 TC
7. Nick Fury 可能在月中~月底 TC
8. Black Panther Classic 和 Captain Marvel Classic 已準備 VU

ARMOR 事件 +100% XP, 金鋼狼和 X-23 在老狼羅根事件 再 +50%

[Test Center] Squirrel Girl Changes
[Test Center] Black Bolt Post-Launch Revisions
[Test Center] Iron Fist Changes

[Test Center] Preliminary Patch Notes   TC更新預覽
1. 旅行技不再解除隱形
2. 黑蝠王/鐵拳/松鼠女孩 是重點

Bug 修正:
1. Mole Man 回到 MM 了
2. 修正2個亞當術士相關BUG
... 足煩不即備載...

Old Man Logan Event 老狼羅根事件延長到 3/13週一

公告: Servers will be going offline at 6 AM PST on Thursday(3/9) for back-end maintenance. Downtime is expected to last up to 3 hours.
  官方時間 3/9 早上6點 停機 Patch 3小時

The Marvel Heroes 2016 servers have been taken down due to an issue. Servers are expected to be down for 2-3 hours. Updates to come! Thank you for your patience.
警急停機 2~3小時

影片: 《漫威鐵拳俠》– 花絮:我是丹尼 – Netflix [HD] (3/17 所有裝置同步上線)
        漫威【星際異攻隊2】HD最終加長版中文電影預告    (預定 4/27 上映)
   (預定 2018/3月推出)

這樣的黃戒我會使用 : )

[Official] March Event Schedule 三月份事件表
3月16日星期四:鐵拳(影集首播) / ST. Patrick's Day (小綠綠節) 雙事件
   3月23日星期四:Odin 餽贈
3月30日星期四:新活動 - Operation Omega Event 運行奧美加事件

Wolverine & X-23 Sale! 除了X-23新服裝外, 兩者的商品幾乎都25%折扣

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.05 Patch Notes

事件: 電影-老漢.羅根 + 混沌宇宙 雙事件
           金鋼狼 & X-23 獨享 +50% XP
混沌宇宙讓所有英雄 +42%XP
           商城推出相關新產品 : 服裝&老漢轉蛋卡-有機會抽出老漢TU
           金鋼狼數件服裝 VU

1. 戒指區分為攻擊型和防禦型兩種:
  Offensive Rings 攻擊戒的詞綴有 -
      Attack Speed
      Brutal Strike
      Brutal Damage
      Critical Damage
      Health on Hit
      Summon Damage Rating

Defensive Rings 防禦戒
的詞綴有 -
      Bonus Health
      Area Resist
      Improved Med Kit
      Med Kit Cooldown Reduction           

2. 宇宙神器詞綴已修正
3. Rings, Insignias 和 Catalysts 現在英雄難度會掉 Lv66, 宇宙難度會掉 Lv69  
4. 會有更多的 Proc 詞綴加入 Slot 裝中, 現已新增有 Cosmic Proc = 撥擋飛射攻擊和擊退敵人

一堆英雄(小)變更 - (請見原文)
小調整 & bug修正 - (完整請見原文).
  1. 野獸可試玩了
  4. 更多不及備載...

內有多圖, X-23 Innocence Lost costume pictures
    熊熊第一眼有七龍珠人造人 17/18 號的 FU

   Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 | New trailer is here and ready to rock!  

[Test Center] Offensive and Defensive Rings   新戒指出現時, 舊戒指停止掉落, 舊戒保持不變
cosmic 宇宙戒指將分為 Offensive 進攻和 Defensive 防禦兩類:
Offensive 進攻詞綴: Defensive 防禦詞綴:
    Attributes / 屬性
    Attack Speed / 攻速
    Brutal Strike / 殘猛爆擊率
    Brutal Damage /
    Critical Damage
/ 爆傷值
    Health on Hit / 擊中回血
    Summon Damage Rating 召喚盟友傷害值
    Deflect / 撥擋
    Defense  / 防禦
    Dodge / 閃避
    Tenacity / 韌性
    Bonus Health / 血量
    Area Resist / 區域傷害減傷
    Improved Med Kit / 醫療包強化
    Med Kit Cooldown Reduction / 醫療包 -CD

[Test Center] Achievement Grant (Rollback Related)

[Test Center] Preliminary Patch Notes (2/28)  更新預覽

Old Man Logan Event 老漢羅根事件
   3/2 週四中午開始, 3/8 週三午夜止, 和混沌宇宙雙事件並行
  • Wolverine and X-23 will enjoy an additional 50% XP bonus! / 金鋼狼 & X-23 獨享 +50% XP
  • A new Old Man Logan Fortune Card will be available in the in-game store, with some new goodies including the new Old Man Logan Team-Up! / 老漢轉蛋卡發售! 獎品包含老漢 Team-UP
  • The new X-23 Innocence Lost costume will now be available for purchase in the in-game store!   / X-23服裝失落童真上架
  • A host of Visual Updates for the following Wolverine costumes:  / 金鋼狼5套服裝 VU
    • Old Man Logan Costume
    • Days of Future Past Costume
    • Classic Brown Costume
    • X-Men Uniform Costume
    • X-Force Costume
物品異動 -
  戒指分為進攻/防禦兩類 (參考上文)
  Rings, Insignias 和 Catalysts 在英雄難度會掉 Lv66, 宇宙難度會掉 Lv69

一堆英雄調整 -
小調整 & BUG 修復 -

一定要應景的老漢 VU : (點圖放大)

All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利



留言共 1 篇留言

X-23新服裝~很不胸呢! wwww

03-07 18:03


喜歡★ccwang 可決定是否刪除您的留言,請勿發表違反站規文字。

前一篇:MH2016] 2月美版... 後一篇:[MH2016] 4月美...




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