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作者:小巴│2015-08-27 18:50:42│巴幣:0│人氣:195
Baby, it's time to make up your mind. 寶貝,是時候整理你的思緒了
I think tonight is when our stars align 我想今夜就是我們星辰排成一列的時候了
Honey, it's time to leave the doubt behind 蜜糖,是時候將你的疑惑擺到一旁了
Take my hand cause you and I are gonna shine 握住我的手,因為我們即將要成為明星
I was cold in the dark 我曾經在黑暗中孤單寂寞(感謝(mortalis))
It was empty in my life 我的人生曾經很空虛
From the outside it looked so bright 表面上如此美好(感謝(mortalis))
but nothing felt right to me 但我卻感到不對勁
Like a sky with no sun 就像是沒有太陽的天空
Like a night that has no day 就像是沒有白晝的夜晚
My heart was eclipsed by the dark 我的心被黑暗漆成黑白
then something changed 接著有事情改變了
I saw a little ray of light come through  我看到一線光芒(感謝(mortalis))
The tiniest of sparks came into view 最微小的星火進入視野
and then you made me hope again 而你使我的希望復燃
I've been watching you helping 我看到你幫助他人
you wishing that you'd see 你希望你所想的實現
That the girl you've been waiting so long for could be me 那位你等待許久的女孩將是我
Now I've never been in love 我曾未墜入情海
but I think this is it但我想這個感覺正是
It might seem like a school girl crush  我應該看起來就像一位校花
but I have to admit 但我得承認
I wanna take a chance and make you see 我想要抓住機會使你看見
I think that you're the one who'll rescue me 我想你是唯一一位會拯救我的
This time 這時
you're finally gonna see you should be mine 你將了解到你是我的
But baby, it's time to make up your mind. 但寶貝,是時候整理你的思緒了
I think tonight is when our stars align 我想今夜就是我們星辰排成一列的時候了
Honey, it's time to leave the doubt behind 蜜糖,是時候將你的疑惑擺到一旁了
Take my hand cause you and I are gonna shine 握住我的手,因為我們即將要成為明星
I won't need any dreams我將不需要任何夢想
it's all there if you're by my side 只要你陪在我身旁
Every moment's enough 每一秒都好
and you take me to paradise 且你將帶我至樂園
When I needed a hero you knew it 當我需要一位英雄你知道
and you were there 而你就在那
And I'm scared but I'll open my heart up且我很害怕但我依舊敞開心胸
I'm ready to dare 我已經預備要做大膽的事了
I know I never felt like this before我知道我曾未感覺像這樣
I never knew what love was for 我從未知道愛是為何存在
I dreamed 我夢想著
But never did believe 但從未相信過
But baby, it's time to make up your mind. 但寶貝,是時候整理你的思緒了
I think tonight is when our stars align 我想今夜就是我們星辰排成一列的時候了
Honey, it's time to leave the doubt behind 蜜糖,是時候將你的疑惑擺到一旁了
Take my hand cause you and I are gonna  握住我的手,因為我們將要
light the sky until it's dawn and 照亮天空直至天明
Baby, you and I are gonna shine 而寶貝你與我將成為明星

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