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Final Fantasy XII Full OST

作者:強運│2014-03-20 19:16:05│巴幣:0│人氣:136
Final Fantasy XII (PS2) Full OST Soundtrack
Thank you jesumu85 for the track times! :)

0:00 Loop Demo
1:37 Final Fantasy XII Version
2:53 Opening Movie
8:31 Infiltration
11:43 Boss Battle
15:07 Auditory Hallucination
18:20 Secret Practice
20:29 A Small Happiness
20:37 The Royal City of Rabanastre
26:05 Penelo's Theme
29:02 The Dream to be a Sky Pirate
29:37 Little Rascal
32:39 The Dalmasca Eastersand
36:43 Level Up!
36:48 Naivety
39:50 Coexistence
42:38 Sings of Change
45:00 Mission Start
45:08 Rabanastre Downtown
47:47 Mission Failed
48:01 Quiet Determination
51:33 The Dalmasca Westersand
53:08 Clan Headquarters
55:55 A Small Bargain
56:04 Giza Plains
1:00:45 Separation with Penelo
1:01:18 Garamsythe Waterway
1:04:12 An Omen
1:07:00 Rebellion
1:09:57 Nalbina Fortress Town Ward
1:12:20 The Princess' Vision
1:15:38 Clash of Swords
1:18:13 Victory Fanfare FFXII Version
1:18:42 Abyss
1:22:07 Dark Clouds
1:24:07 A Promise with Balthier
1:24:45 Game Over
1:25:06 Nalbina Fortress Underground Prison
1:29:41 The Barbarians
1:32:10 Battle Drum
1:34:56 Theme of the Empire
1:42:46 Chocobo FFXII Arrange Version 1
1:45:34 The Barheim Passage
1:49:27 Sorrow (Liberation Army Version)
1:53:03 Basch's Reminiscence
1:54:00 Coexistence (Imperial Army Version)
1:56:50 The Skycity of Bhujerba
2:00:38 The Secret of Nethicite
2:04:02 Dark Night
2:04:04 Speechless Fight
2:08:36 The Dreadnought Leviathan Bridge
2:12:31 Challenging the Empire
2:15:49 State of Emergency
2:19:05 Upheaval
2:22:18 The Tomb of Raithwall
2:25:54 The Sandsea
2:28:15 Esper Battle
2:31:39 Sorrow (Imperial Version)
2:34:28 Seeking Power
2:37:42 Desperate Fight
2:40:25 Jahara, Land of the Garif
2:45:24 Ozmone Plains
2:47:54 Golmore Jungle
2:51:44 Eruyt Village
2:55:58 You're Really a child...
2:56:12 Chocobo FFXII Version
2:58:16 An Imminent Threat
3:01:00 Clash on the Big Bridge FFXII Version
3:03:46 Abandoning Power
3:06:22 The Stilshrine of Miriam
3:09:46 Time for a Rest
3:11:56 White Room
3:15:41 The Salikawood
3:18:18 The Phon Coast
3:22:16 Destiny
3:25:15 The Sochen Cave Palace
3:28:53 A Moment's Rest
3:33:25 Near the Water
3:36:38 The Mosphoran Highwaste
3:39:28 The Cerobi Steppe
3:42:41 Esper
3:45:26 The Port of Balfonheim
3:47:40 Nap
3:47:54 The Zertinan Caverns
3:51:17 A Land of Memories
3:55:18 Ashe's theme
4:00:48 The Forgotten Capital
4:05:05 Giruvegan's Mystery
4:07:44 The Feywood
4:11:59 To the Place of the Gods
4:15:24 The Beginning of the End
4:19:02 To the Peak
4:20:52 The Sky Fortress Bahamut
4:24:14 Shaking Bahamut
4:24:56 The Battle for Freedom
4:33:47 The End of the Battle
4:35:01 Ending Movie
4:41:20 Kiss Me Good-Bye
4:46:19 Symphonic Poem "Hope"
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