
3 GP

Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas – Ley-Line (附原文、中翻)

作者:薩堪德拉│2012-09-10 23:22:03│巴幣:6│人氣:1071

Rain, the rain
pours down on me
soaks my shoulders
I walk all alone
with no umbrella
“tear drops from sky high, wash my emotions away from me now…”
wishing as I gaze up the sky with saddened eyes
but I know it has no use at all

Wonder why I’m here by myself
I try to search for your trace
but can’t find it…
as my tears fell the pouring rain turned to drizzle

Sing a song with my clothes wet
the song I wrote for you who’s gone
I’ll keep walking and I will have my head up high
the ley-line could it be a spirits way?
can it be a dead way I try to walk?
either way I will keep moving my feet

Puddles reflect me
my eye sight so clear
now I can look all the way
I can see far out

Foot prints
trace of path remained on the surface
it’s the evidence that I am alive
the rainbow hanged over the blue sky like an arc
connects the distance between you and I
rain is gone and sun has risen

I raise my hands because the sun start to smile
damped sneakers have dried up
I take a stretch and breath in fresh air to fill my lungs
now I’ll start to walk again

Knew that I’m the only one who could save myself
I am the one that has to step up (and) crash all the walls
that stands u high against me and take the challenge

Sing a song under the sun
the song I wrote after you left
I’ll keep walking and I promise to keep walking
the ley-line guess it is a spirits way
cannot be a death way which I am on
either way I will keep moving my feet

I used to regret for what I have lost,
but I guess it makes no mean so I’ll move on

I’ll sing to the sky
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同標籤作品搜尋:Fear| and Loathing in Las Vegas|Ley-Line|Falilv|All That We Have Now

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前一篇:SpecialThank... 後一篇:Fear, and Lo...




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